= Basics/General 40 levels. Each level needs more experience. Each level you get points. Improved points system. Each kill you get credits. Improved balance between different levels. Weapon rounds feature.
= Items Feature Shop/buy menu. Market/sell menu. Collect credits to buy items. Iventory menu to use item. 16 different items to buy. 17th item as superhero power.
= Say Commands Feature 10 say commands. Available to use them in menu. !help - SuperHero main menu. !heroes - SuperHeroes select menu. !reheroes - Reselect superheroes menu. !myheroes - Shows your superheroes. !clearheroes - Clear all superheroes. !shop - Shop Menu. !inventory - Inventory Menu. !reset - Reset your level , if you have max. !commands - Shows say commands list. !whatstats <id> - Shows player stats and his superheroes.
= Console Commands Feature 7 console commands. Console commands work only for admin. sh_pl_list - Shows players list with name, lvl, xp,needxp,credits. sh_cmd_list - Shows console commands list. sh_say_list - Shows say commands list. sh_give_xp <id> <xp> - Gives player xp. sh_give_lvl <id> <lvl> - Gives player lvl. sh_give_credits <id> <credits> - Gives player credits. sh_give_all_credits <id> <credits> - Gives credits to all.
= Save/Load Feature U.S.G.N. user requires. Improved save system. Saves only xp. Load as lvl, xp, need xp, points. Hoster can have up to 30000 U.S.G.N. saves.
= Extra Experience Feature Extra xp for Humiliations. Extra xp for killing higher level player. Extra xp for winning round.
= Hud texts & Messages Feature Good looking colors. Shows level, points, experience, credits and more. Short, easy readable messages.
= Sound Feature 4 advanced superhero sounds. Winning round sound. Losing round sound. Level up sound. Unlocking class sound.
= Map Feature Note:Use superhero maps to transfer sounds. 7 Superhero maps. sh_dust sh_dust2 sh_cs2dfortress sh_fortress sh_office sh_suntec sh_aztec
= Configuration Feature 'sys/lua/superhero/sh_config.cfg' file. 13 options to change. 'sys/lua/superhero/sh_settings.cfg' file. You can easily change and modify features. You can turn on/off many superhero features.
@ leoska: Oh I see. Oh well I liked the GUI here better and this is also the script that FWSL used to use and I think they got more heroes there so I kinda figured we can add here!
I have an idea, why not make a mod where weapons of the game have to level up
and at each level you can improve something you
Example: Increased bullets, shutter speed, more damage, velovidad recharge, ect
things so I think it would be great and I would like someone would make a mod so well I hope that someone reading this comment the idea of doing comes to mind.