
> > CS2D > Maps > Sector_Domination_3
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English Sector_Domination_3 >

4 comments17 kb, 350 Downloads

old Sector_Domination_3

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Mmmm...Here i Go!

This Is a Map Created In CQJ server and i am part of it.
So to tell everyone this server is ALIVE, we have to do something and that Something is this.

Welcome To The CQJ SERVER!

Here is a map that the Server has created and here it is!

The features of this map
(very Simple)

∗ When You Take The enemy ground they turn to your colour

∗ when you take over enemy ground you get to spawn there

The features of an other map
(same as above but little more things)

∗ you Cant spawn at HQ but! there is a shield around HQ, so destroy the powerplant(then the shield will be gone)

∗ More blocks are powerplant

Original map (nothing above)

∗ Ummm...

One Extra map (not very good)

∗ Small

∗ fun for few seconds, then is boring.

Rules For Map?

√ You May Do What You Wish

√ You may say is yours or what ever you like.

But Please, help our server grow...
If we can't get any players playing our server, there will be no point of making anymore maps.

Thanks for Reading.

Server Rules:
Spoiler >
Declined by GeoB99
The quality of the file is too low! Please invest more time and only upload stuff which is actually good. Do not upload your first "5 minute"-attempts. Sorry, but nobody wants to see and download stuff like that!

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17 kb, 350 Downloads


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R a G e
User Off Offline

You can use cusom tiles.

See in gfx/tiles folder.


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R a G e:
Thanks, i will try to make it more "harder"
one thing
how can i improve on the tiles?
or they wont change colour. =D


R a G e
User Off Offline

Verry easy to make.

Default tiles.
There's allmost no place to build.

2 - it's okay.
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