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English (Cyrille Yukimaru's) M4A1 Black Wing remake >

22 comments13 kb, 397 Downloads

old (Cyrille Yukimaru's) M4A1 Black Wing remake

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Ok guys a few days ago Cyrille Yukimaru sent me a request to remake her M4A1 Black Wing, i did but i used her original one and just edited it. She wasn't impressed so i took down the file and started the skin again but from scratch this time and after being up all night working on it this is what i came up with!


No Stealing
No Flaming
No Swearing
No Revenge Ratings
No Saying i stole it (read the description)
No Comparing





•Red Dot Sight

•Red Dot Sight +grip

•Scope + Bipod

More >


When i make the next 3 styles i will post them as updates here as well as a render for them

By the way, i added Cyrille's signature to the back of the gun to show that she is the original owner of the Black Wing
edited 6×, last 17.06.11 08:17:53 am
Approved by GeoB99

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13 kb, 397 Downloads


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Mappack Master
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1. I sort of agree about the shape
2. M16 and M4A1 are extremely similar so it's rather common to mistake them (in other words it sort of does)
3. sorry i was only working on the skin not sounds but i'll add thanks for the idea
4. doesn't mean it isn't worth it and i only do that cause it looks wierd having random capitol I's
5. This is where reading and thinking comes in handy Technically i didn't call you an asshole i said "otherwise your still an asshole" anyway, it's the best way to insult people (for noobs at least)

and thank you for the 4 i would prefer 5 but 4 is nice

EDIT: if your thinking "You have 2 accounts!" then your wrong i just noticed that my friend forgot to log out after using my computer so sorry for any confusion
I like it!

old @ninja

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Using profanity in a sentence. Really mature isn't it?

I'm not flaming here, I'm just pointing out.

*The shape is strange.
*It looks like an M16
*No sounds
*Spelling I like i in the description
*Calling me an asshole like that.

Changing rating to 4 for effort though.
I like it!


Mappack Master
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Im using the one with red dot sight and grip btw love it
I like it!


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Give me at the minimum 5 reasons why you'd rather have nothing otherwise your still an asshole


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I guess its better than nothing.. Not.

I would rather have nothing.

2/5, it's confusing me...
I like it!


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Uuuh are you joking or are you serious? the (Really?) thing is confusing me :S

old @Ninja_Assasin

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Lol, yeah.. Anyways, I've made an M4A1 for you because you've worked hard for this one.. (Really?)
I like it!


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@Cyrille Yukimaru

I'll do my best

and by the way you spelt Ninja wrong, lol



old @Ninka_Assasin

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I used MS Paint. Oh well, good luck on skinning and keep practicing kay?
I like it!


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If i know good, he also uses (probably), he skilled it some time, and finally became most tallented skin player in here, you too can be ^^, just try to learn it.
I like it!


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@Krimhorn 1. i defenitly make better player skins 2. i've seen 0A's work but i couldn't make anything near what he makes (i wonder how he does it :p)

@RamboFox 1. i'll download it thanks. 2. i could try that i'll upload a skin using your advice thanks again

And btw i'll be offline for 4 hours in a bit but i'll check back after

Off-topic: who likes the bipod? i think it's pretty good


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Hmmm... if you make better guns than player skins, then keep making guns, but if you would start making player skins, i suggest to take an example from @0A, he's best player skin maker on this site.
I like it!


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Download Paint.Net

And if you suck at getting the definition of the gun right, copy/paste and resize the picture of a gun you're going to sprite and then base your black pixel outline around that BUT DO NOT COPY THE INTERNAL TEXTURE, as that is painfully obvious when it becomes a resize. It's basically a shortcut as to how I do it - Because I've been drawing for most of my life (wewt for me being an artist!) I can resize images just by looking at it, and then picturing where the pixels should go in my mind. I then draw it on the screen.

Seriously, drop MS Paint and download Paint.Net - It's got layers even! And it's free! Easy to use!
I might actually make a tutorial soon on how to use it and how to skin a gun.
I like it!


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1. oooh now i see what you mean it thins at the top of the grip thanks for that i'll fix it asap | EDIT: i fixed it but now it looks worst than before i suggest that i leave it the way it was

2. so thats what it is (i had no clue because mine says the name of the gun) i'll fix that after grip

3. sorry about the missing things i sort of only did the buy menu one at the time (whoops :p)

@Cyrille Yukimaru

i tried but it's harder than it looks (for me at least) mainly because im new (have you seen my first one? you'd run and hide if you saw it - that's how bad it is)

@Cyrille Yukimaru, RamboFox and anyone else that reads this

do you think i should stick to skinning the player or continue skinning guns?

btw i use paint

old My opinion

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Agree with @Cyrille. You could improve this skin with something, additional shades, etc.
P.S. Which program do you use?
I like it!

old I am dissapointed..

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I know you are still a rookie here but yeah.. 3/5 from me..
Anyways, always be creative if you wanna make some weapon packs with different style..
I like it!


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Well now it's alright, but you're missing your hold, drop, and kill images in the current package.

The kill image is a little white cutout on a black background that gets drawn in the top right corner when "Player A" kills "Player B" with an M4A1 (In CS2D, when text kill notifications are disabled, the cutout is drawn between the two names - The killer on the left of the cutout, and the killed on the right).
White = Fully opaque, white pixels that show the shape of the gun
Black = Transparent, you do not see in the game.
Shades in between = Can be used as alpha blending (Have a look at one of my gun mods to see what I mean)

Additionally, by definition, I mean that the grip on your M4A1 is stuck right onto the end, and that is wrong.
Have a look at an M4A1 and you'll see a slight dip between the body and the grip, where it thins down slightly.
I like it!


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I added the actual skin (sorry about before i forgot to put "preview" after the name

what do you mean by "kill image"? im sorta new to that (a picture might help)

-Add some definition between the body and the barrel grip
Explain please im confused (im still new to gun skinning so i don't know what you mean)

EDIT: i didn't say they weren't done i said im still working on them (by that i mean im makeing changes)

EDIT 2: your flameing me


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I read the description, but a submission is to be rated on it's current content not by "nonexistent godly work from the future" that doesn't exist yet.

Until you fix the following problems, I will not up my rating to a 4/5:
-Fix the wrong kill image, it's grey. It should be white.
-Add some definition between the body and the barrel grip, it looks weird.
-Upload the ACTUAL skin.

*edit* Oh yeah, and even if I get votes from people like you on my skins that doesn't mean I'll pity vote submission in return.
Wait... You said you didn't complete the skins, yet you upload this?
It's like saying "Hey! Taste my new cake! Sorry, but I haven't made it yet!"
Thoroughly disappointing, that is.
I like it!


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i admire you and your work but please read the description before commenting (it says "i will ONLY upload the actual skin if it's ok with her") i have permission to remake not upload (not yet at least)

EDIT: Sorry rambo i forgot to add preview to the name (im still working on the skins but ill upload what i've got now)
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