I know, I know. Nyan Cat wasn't my invention (big applause to "PRguitarman" for doing this ) but someone HAD to bring it to CarnageContest That's what I did. Now, it's a steerable weapon with the special ability to scare nearby players, which then will jump away
Have fun with Nyan Cat! And don't forget to turn up your game volume to at least 100%
The rainbow is not resized, you dumbfuck! *facepalm* You need to STFU because you are VERY wrong. The rainbow is generated IN THE SCRIPT, how the fuck is it resized??
A ban?why would aneybody ban me for a 4/5 on a resize?i gave my opinion so?no need to get all OH MY GOD ITS A 4/5 FOR AN RESIZE!!!Resizes deserve 1/5,but i gave this one 4/5...I already wrote it in my 1st comment.
2.im not jealous Im rating a RESIZE and resizes deserves 1/5,but i rated it 4/5 before and u still wasnt happy.
3.I care if its a resize and yea its epic,but its definetly a resize so if there would be proof that it isnt id rate 5/5,for now im going to change my vote back to the 1st one.
First:Learn english.
Second:Dont be jelous cuz people have better ideas then your shitty uploads.
Third:Who cares if its resize this is most epic weapon in CC!
I rated 4/5 for a fucking resize and u still wasnt happy!So i rated this resize 1/5(like all the other resizes)and u call me a FuckHead?Fine il rate 5/5 FOR A RESIZE just cos u want and now im gona be an random voting fucker -.- still this deserves 4/5 cos the idea is awesome but the cat and the rainbow are resized.
5/5(i will be remembered as a random voter)
4/5(the rating i would give)
1/5(the rating i gave cos u wasn't happy with the 4/5)
which one?
Cos this upload is fucking funney.
Soz for the grammar...im pissed off cos of some nubnub'swho cant accept a 4/5 rating for an RESIZE!
*EDIT*i rated a resize 4/5?wtf?Gues im rating 1/5 cos some nubnub's can't get over a 4/5 rating for a resize.
*EDIT2*A resize definetly deserves 1/5,but i rated this one 4/5 so why can't u accept it?Resizes usualy dont get 4/5 except from some random voting fuckers and if u cant accapt my rating im gona change it to 1/5.Happy now?
Who gives a fuck about whether it's resized? It doesn't show any clear evidence that it was resized, either. Every single Nyan Cat meme, video, etc is a resize in your mind, eh?