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Englisch Color for sniper BG

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alt Color for sniper BG

User Off Offline

Hey um i cant figure out what colors used for the background of the sniper rifle the wierd "purple" color doesnt work

hopefully the image works...
C:\Program Files\Counter-Strike 2D\gfx\scope.png

EDIT: oh well, anyways what color do i use so the backgrounds invisible in game? white or something?

alt Re: Color for sniper BG

Admin On Online

it's uses the alpha channel (in most png files). this means you have to use more advanced tools like Flacko and playa slaya suggested.

in bmp files the color magenta 255,0,255 / #FF00FF is used as mask color and becomes invisible in the game.

alt Re: Color for sniper BG

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Locusthorde300 hat geschrieben
hopefully the image works...
C:\Program Files\Counter-Strike 2D\gfx\scope.png

LoL, you have to upload that in a image uploading site! Not sending your file directory.
I recommend:
• ImageShack - free, no need to register - fast way. Recommended for fast uploads of images that are not really important.
• Photobucket - free, need to register - secure way. Recommended for important images, like logos, etc..
Read some tutorials and FAQs (Freqently Asked Questions) if you are new to uploading, specially image uploads through the web.
Just hope I helped!


• I recommend PhotoFiltre, PhotoFiltre Studio or Photofiltre Studio X (witch I use) for that.

alt Re: Color for sniper BG

User Off Offline

Locusthorde300 hat geschrieben
i used the magenta color, thats the one i was talking about! it doesnt work...

With the scope as mentioned by DC and playa slaya is Alpha (transperancy) needed, use a photo manipulating program as before said. (GIMP, both free)

You need to see grey/white blocks to be sure its translucent. (Can differ though, if using other visual appearances or program's):

Example Picture
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