i need a sample script. When you level up you unlock a weapon that you can set somewhere.
You reach level 10 you unlock Galil
You reach level 12 you unlock Ak-47
function array(m,v) local array = {} for i = 1, m do array[i]=v end return array end level=array(32,1) --1 is start level kills=array(32,0) levelup=10 --levelup every 10 kills weapons={24,32,47} --24(ump45)for 1st lvl, 32(m4a1) for 2nd lvl, 47(rpg) for 3rd lvl etc... addhook("kill","onkill") function onkill(killer,victim) if killer~=victim then kills[killer]=kills[killer]+1 --you won't get points for killing yourself! end if kills==levelup[lvl] then level[killer]=level[killer]+1 kills[killer]=0 msg2(killer,"================>Level up to level: "..level[killer].." !!!") end end addhook("spawn","onspawn") function onspawn(id) local lvl=level[id] local max=#weapons if weapons[id]==nil then parse("equip "..id.." "weapons[max]) --weapon of max level if player has got higher level than max index of weapons table else parse("equip "..id.." "weapons[lvl]) end end addhook("leave","onleave") function onleave(id) level[id]=0 kills[id]=0 end