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Englisch Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

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alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Admin On Online

@user Mora: You can't see the flashlight when not using the light engine or when using it on maps which do not use the light engine entities. That's because everything already has maximum brightness. It makes no sense to magically darken areas with shadows just because a light source is added.

Enable the light engine and play on maps with light engine entities (room stuff) if you want to actually benefit from the flashlight.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Super User Off Offline

@user Hostagessy: ohh .. you're so wrong. Light isnt like water and will float everywhere reachable. Im happy that you havent programmed cs2d the game engine would be funny. Simply check how lights work by using a flashlight in front of a wall and cover it by some stuff like cups etc. The resulting shadow is the thing @user Mora: was aiming for. And this is indeed a nice suggestion to improve the flashlight, but im not sure if dc is gonna add this, i guess thats alot of coding.
Anyway i support the idea. Thats one of the details which will improve the graphic quality alot and since most users got average to good pc's meanwhile and run the game with enabled lightengine its definitely worth to work on it

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User On Online

1) @user Anomaly: (inthelife) go take any flashlight s**t, turn it ON, and point neaby any wall..- will be generated shadow or not? -.-
2) I'm not kidding you, i just forget remove that shadow from map, plus, if you got a low shadow and you gonna light something, it's also will drop shadow.
3) Stupid is your mind, read 1 again if you didn't get it.

P.s- and those images just as exampe, if you read my latest comment...

P.p.s- open your blinded eyes, and look at this fckin picture i specially do for you!:
2× editiert, zuletzt 26.12.14 15:30:49

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

BANNED Off Offline

@user Mora: You say it wrong... can't believe you. So user DC also is stupid?
user DC hat geschrieben
You can't see the flashlight when not using the light engine or when using it on maps which do not use the light engine entities. That's because everything already has maximum brightness. It makes no sense to magically darken areas with shadows just because a light source is added.

At your photo We can see text "Fcking shadow at the shadow!". So, are you blind? There is a darkness place and there is flashlight.
At your screenshot from CS2D we can't see shadow because there is already max brightness!

BTW. How do you think... Why we can't see a flashlight in CS2D in brightness area? because the light have the same brightness like the Sun

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User On Online

DC said about light engine, i talk about other thing, flashlight shadow s**t, if you read my post careful.
I don't want to improve engine, all things i writte, is only about flashlight improve, like on first screen.

@user Anomaly: hat geschrieben
At your photo We can see text "Fcking shadow at the shadow!". So, are you blind? There is a darkness place and there is flashlight.

My english is.. huh, i mean that that s**t is more dark than place at that shadow is...

About your BTW:
In cs2d all shadows is just pictures, they're not generate by other things or whatever. or i'm not understand you, bcs of my english.
Mine second image is just example how it looks when i point other wall,(like on first is), just i'm forget to remove this dark s**t(again i did writte it last post)

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!


What about integrating a competitive ranking system like Silver I to Global Elite like CS:GO has. When pressing Tab the player ranks would be visible or special trophies won from official tournaments and the like. It'd be pretty fun.

If it were to happen the ranks and trophies would either have to be hosted on one main server or at the game server hosters themselves, so they regulate their own ranks and such.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

Admin On Online

There already is a server rank. A global rank is too "risky" (has already been suggested and declined) because it would require trusted servers with 24/7 admins who make sure that nobody uses cheats. Can't be realized.

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

I think you need to add "free weapons id"

It's like making new weapons but , it's just a weapon id , and no thing can do with it just if you used script you can do some thing .

Like new weapon script , so what you need to do is adding a weapon IDs , and scripters add weapons for there scripts .

i hope that you will make it

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

I think there must be a total score of players score like,it will gained wen ukill plyrs in servers but it will differ frm server kills and deaths

12 kills
1 death
kdp 12,like this for not only 1 server but for whole cs2d

alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!

User Off Offline

user Starkkz Come on,
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alt Re: Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!


user DC hat geschrieben
There already is a server rank. A global rank is too "risky" (has already been suggested and declined) because it would require trusted servers with 24/7 admins who make sure that nobody uses cheats. Can't be realized.
Is there a way to simplify the access to the server ranks though? it'd be great if that was explained a bit more. It'd be great if there was API calls to fetch rank stats directly with Lua and use own code to print the stats in various ways. It'd be pretty useful for competitive play.
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