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Englisch PC building opinions

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alt PC building opinions

Random guy
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So I'm building a new PC in about a month, and wanted to hear your opinions on this, if I should get something else, etc..

CPU: i5 4690k
GPU: NEW R9 270x or used 280x or used GTX 670
RAM: 8gb 1600Mhz
Motherboard: Gigabyte H97 mATX (GA-H97M-D3H) or ASRock mATX (H81M-VG4)
Power Supply: a cheap one (for now)

Mostly I need opinions on the GPU. Would it be better to get a used video card or go for a new 270x.
The budget is max. 600€ but I can buy parts later as well.
I only need help on those items.

You already guessed it by now, but in case you didn't, this is my first time building a PC.

alt Re: PC building opinions

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In my opinion I'd rather go for new R9 270x than used. Sometimes is risky to use the used one because they could stop working or having some defections in it. As long this used GPU is working well without problems at all, then it's not a problem.

The rest is ok to me, at least I think.

alt Re: PC building opinions

Random guy
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That is true. However the 670 and 280x is quite better and I could get it for the same price as a new 270x. Thanks for the comment though !

alt Re: PC building opinions

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GTX 680 is better than Radeon .
and mother card i prefere Gigabyte H97 mATX (GA-H97M-D3H) and get an I7 they are cheap

alt Re: PC building opinions

Random guy
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well it's a 670 not a 680, but thanks lol.
Also I'd buy an i7 but they're not cheap here unfortunately. It also doesn't do much if you do gaming only, though I stream a lot, I think the i5 will be good enough

alt Re: PC building opinions

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If you're looking towards NVidia then get a 900-series graphics card. GTX 960 outperforms GTX 670 and costs almost the same price + it's newer.
PSU: My no-name PSU blew out (when I was using my PC as a heater in the winter ) and I got myself a bequiet PSU.

RAM: there you can buy second-hand parts and test them whether they're damaged or not (given you can return them if they are). I got myself a 4GBx2 kit on ebay for ~30 Euro which is insanely cheap. I tested it 3 hours long with memtest86+ (requires you to make a bootable USB-Drive or CD and boot from it) -> no errors. By the way, even new RAM can be faulty.

Mobo: depending on your plans, ASRock with its 2x SATA 3.0 and 2x USB 3.0 ports might be not enough

Personally, I'd look towards new gen hardware with DDR4 support and wait for it if necessary.

alt Re: PC building opinions

Random guy
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I would wait too, but i've been waiting for almost a year now. I just want to get rid of this core2 pc already Lol.

On the GPU side, i can't believe the 960 is better than the 670, but i guess it's alright since the 960 came out a few months ago. Unfortunately for me it's not "cheap enough" so I have to go with the 670 instead. (if it's going to be nvidia)
Thanks for the comment anyway ^ _ ^

alt Re: PC building opinions

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I would go with 280X since it has better price/performance ratio... actually the best one.

And with an AMD CPU since you want to play games and not render crap.

But I honestly do not want to start some intel vs amd flamewar so.

Best thing to do is to wait.
AMD wants to release a new ZEN architecture next year. Should be the same price as the current FX series with the same power per core as Intel chips.

They are also releasing the new 300 series this year. From what I have heard, they are really taunting NVIDIA out. I would like to see how it turns out. The new 900 series from NVIDIA were a freakin disaster.

alt Re: PC building opinions

Random guy
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hah yeah, all things considered, the best option is to get a 280x which is what i'm probably going to get.
About the AMD processors, I don't trust them enough to even consider looking at one. I trust their video cards but not their processors.

Thanks for all the help/opinion especially @user VADemon: lol. Ima get this pc in about a month, yay me.

@user erik9631: I've been waiting since August 2014, I'm not waiting anymore
Actually if I have the money I can always upgrade to their new video cards. This computer will do the work for a few years anyway.

alt Re: PC building opinions

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Can you tell us why ? As Erik said, as long you are not going to render things and stuff, you should go with an AMD processor since they are kinda cheap. I'd get a FX6350 or a FX8350 if I were in your place. Or either wait for both Zen and 300 series and get a DDR4 kit.

alt Re: PC building opinions

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user Random guy hat geschrieben
If you watch benchmarks the 4690k is better than those 6 and 8 core AMD processors (in most cases).

Not really.
The benchmarks are an all - round thing.

Listen to the gamers. I have watched countless amount 10 minutes long videos from people who owned both CPUs and they were talking about what is better and what is worse. Most of them said that during gameplay you will notice absolutely no difference in frame rate.

Actually CPU is only used to process data and do non-graphical calculations and process algorithms. It is also preparing instructions for the GPU. Everything graphical even the physics is processed by the GPU.

Simply said the amount of calculations done by the CPU is not big enough to make a difference in FPS between intel and AMD.

You would see a difference in CPU bound games which are terribly optimized, but again the difference is not big enough to justify the price for an Intel chip.

In the end it really depends on what you want to do with your computer.

But if we are speaking about gaming, you would definitely profit more with a strong GPU and cheaper CPU. There is no questioning that.

I am an AMD user. I have an AMD chip and sometimes I run games better than someone on an stronger intel chip.
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