My Supply:
timer(15000,"parse","spawnobject 15 46 68 0 0 0 0")
When i destroy my supply THAT delete: timer(15000,"parse","trigger supply2,supply2explode,supplyFX2,supplydelay2")
timer(15000,"spawnobj) function spawnobj() 	parse("spawnobject 15 46 68 0 0 0 0") end addhook("objectkill","objectkill_") function objectkill_(id,player) 	if id == 15 then 		if object(id,"tilex") == 46 and object(id,"tiley") == 68 then 		timer(15000,"destroyobject") 		function destroyobject() 			parse("trigger supply2") 			parse("trigger supply2explode") 			parse("trigger supply2FX2") 			parse("trigger supplydelay2") 		end 	end end
timer(15000,"spawnobj") function spawnobj() 	parse("spawnobject 15 46 68 0 0 0 0") end addhook("objectkill","objectkill_") function objectkill_(id,player) 	if object(id,"type") == 15 and object(id,"tilex") == 46 and object(id,"tiley") == 68 then 		timer(15000,"parse","trigger supply2,supply2explode,supplyFX2,supplydelay2") 	end end
parse('mp_building_health "Super Supply" 13500')