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English CS2D Bug Reports

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old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

It appears that changing the bot skill from the bot menu does not affect the internal server variable (cs2d cmd bot_skill), yet the menu does retain the skill level as if it was changed.

So, you must change it throught the console for it to have an impact.

I used the listen client, and not on the dedicated server (with remote control), so I don't know how it'd work there (worth checking).

I'd like to note that cs2d cmd bot_weapons does work properly.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user Mami Tomoe: How did you check the value? I can't reproduce the issue.
function test()
I used this script to verify. The printed value in the console changed as soon as another option was chosen.

p.s.: There is just one single variable holding the bot skill and this value is also used for displaying the skill in the menu. So if the menu shows it correctly the value did change correctly.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

Ah, yes, my bad.
I had a wrapper for the game function that saved variables that aren't supposed to ever change (like map name), but I never added the cs2d cmd bot_skill command (likely because it's so forgettable).

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

Whilst a map change is triggered, if a player happened to be joining to the server and is still downloading the transfer listed files, there won't be a leave trigger for the player, and it won't call any leave hook (that I'm aware of).

This also applies to some other ways that players can fail to connect to the server.
This is a known issue.

Do note that I'm listening to the cs2d lua hook disconnect hook.

Perhaps add cs2d lua hook disconnect_after_fail?
I'll leave the naming to you, if you do choose to approach it like that.

There should be a closed loop of hooks between a player's join attempt and their leave.
Currently it's only 98% effective, as there are still some gaps in the system, specifically when a player fails to join properly, or the server forgets about them during a map change.

Also, during a map change, a leave hook is not triggered for all players, I'm not sure if this is intentional.

Additionally, when the bomber leaves on the listen server, the bomb is dropped.
This does not happen on the dedicated server.

I think that failing to connect during cs2d lua hook connect_attempt will not call any leave hook because the player never got an ID, but it's a bit odd to not have a way to detect if the player finished connecting easily.
cs2d lua hook connect_failed?
edited 1×, last 16.12.22 03:10:41 pm

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

Hello us

@DC Will you make a christmas gift for cs2d players with a new game update?

Known that the ideas is closed but I needed to archive my suggestions:
Cannot add image to post


old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user 197907: It's unlikely because there are not enough changes to justify a full update and I won't be able to do enough changes in time.

Also please do not use the file archive to upload images. This violates our rules. I removed your upload. You can use free image hosting services instead (e.g., and many more, just do a quick search).

Furthermore if you link stuff make sure to paste the whole link so the stuff is actually clickable (and/or use the url tag with full url)

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

i am not sure about this but i don't think you can add more than 16 maps at mapcycle.cfg

Why is that?

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

@user DC: Uploaded images had less than 100KB. As you know images uploaded on 3rd party sites could disappear forever.

There is problem with using [img] bb code:
Sorry, you are not allowed to post links yet!

197907-1) [BUG] There is a bug with reload on xm1014 where we are playing as client. The last shoot start auto reload, on the client side the shooting cooldown is much longer than server side.
As server we can shoot immadietly, on client there is a fews seconds.

197907-2) [FEATURE] op_autoreload -turn on/off autoreload when we shooted last current reloaded ammo

197907-3) [FEATURE] - New checkbox option in entity env_breakable - Destroy by thrown grenade, it will be helpful for glasses

197907-4) [FEATURE] New Input range option in entity env_breakable - Decrease speed grenade after broken (required option Destroy by thrown), range for decrease speed 1-100%

197907-5) [FEATURE] Fix autoswitch option, the autoswitch should be cooldowned until we are stop shooting (keyup attack1 bind). Many new players have problem with that, especially with grenades.

197907-6) [FEATURE] Grenade throwing - new option (3),
ranged like in CS3D, longer hold attack1 then grenade will be throw away, could be stopped by click attack2 bind.
Could has a progressbar like reload to show how far will it be thrown.

The new option(3) could be mixed with option(1) - range by crosshair, attack1 bind crosshair; attack2 bind progressbar (without canceling option - needed change weapon to cancel)

197907-7) [FEATURE] New feature in editor, in map tiles options like tile blending.
Blocking or Allowing move from selected direction(multiple choice). It will help mapmakers.

197907-8) [FEATURE] New Tile properties -
a) Wall for shoots but grenades can be thrown
b) Bulletproof glass

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

sv_voicechat isn't listed in the console commands section of the help page and it also doesn't appear as a suggestion when you start typing sv_voicechat in console

old Lmfao

R a G e
User Off Offline

Why are my assets covered in black? How do I get the transparent background? I put new (OLDOLDOLD) skin. It's all covered in black instead of being transparent

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

@user R a G e: This is not exactly a bug report, because you're asking for help.
I recommend you create a thread describing your issue in more detail so it'll be easier to offer help.
Regardless, check the masking settings on your image.

old freeze in scoreboard in cs2d ver.

User Off Offline

when i open the scoreboard in cs2d the game freezes for about 10-15 seconds and it sometimes crashes aswell. this also happens when it is loading an avatar for a player when spectating so it may be related to avatars loading.

EDIT: I also forgot to mention that this didnt happen before when i used to play this game at around 2019-2020

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

@user zaerda1: This is indeed caused by the avatars loading.

When you open the score-board, it sends a request to load all avatars at once (IIRC), and since CS2D is single-threaded, it will freeze until all requests are done being sent.
Depending on your hardware, and internet speed, the freeze can take a while.
What I suggest is to not input flood the game (or any software) that is frozen, as it will often cause it to crash.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

@user Mami Tomoe:

well is it regular for it to happen almost every time? or almost every time i spectate someone that has just joined and hasn't had their avatar loaded before? and is there a way to fix this?

i really don't remember this happening before so is it something new?

also my hardware is even better than what i had in 2019 so it can't be that, my internet has been having issues recently though so you think it could relate?

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Mami Tomoe
User Off Offline

@user mrc is correct, you can try this and see if it helps.

If the avatars are important to you, then you can switch to a SSD if you don't already have one, as maybe the seeking speed is delaying the game from being able to check if the file already exists or not.

old Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

@user mrc: well i managed to disable avatars and flags in scoreboard, but the freeze still happens when it tries to load profile pictures in the "Counter terrorists/Terrorists win!" tab. is there a way to disable that?


when the game is frozen i checked task manager and it was using 0% cpu and 0% disk usage.
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