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Englisch Packetloss?!

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alt Packetloss?!

User Off Offline


Please watch this youtube video and tell me what is going on here and how I can reduce this phenomena. A friend of mine needs an entire m4 mag to kill me standing still at gunpoint. Please give us useful advice on the cause and solution of this.

Possible causes of packetloss are damaged cable, interfering signals etc. but testing in cmd with the ping command to the same server gives me >0.1% packet loss. I might be the UDP protocol or something. But I'm clueless as to why some players have lots and others have no loss of shots with the same ping.

Thanks in advance,


alt Re: Packetloss?!

User Off Offline

Packetloss. What else could happen? It's fine ass long as you staggerfire.

alt Re: Packetloss?!

Admin Off Offline

yes, that's either massive packetloss or a weird random Lua script or a server running on a really slow and overloaded system.

you can have a good ping value even if you have a high packet loss. the ping only is/shows the time a packet needs to the server and back.

this value is not influenced by packet loss because the games does not even calculate a new ping value if the ping packet gets lost.

loss can be caused by the things you named and several other things like other programs/services/people using your internet connection or bad/bugged nodes/routers on the connection from your place to the server.

the same counts for the connection of the server of course. it might be overloaded as well.

stopping programs which up-/download stuff and playing on servers which are closer to your own location should reduce packetloss and latency.

alt Re: Packetloss?!

User Off Offline

Then why doesn't packetloss occur while firing every shot separately? What is the difference?

alt Re: Packetloss?!

Admin Off Offline

what are you talking about? it DOES occur in that case too - as you can see in the video. watch closely.

alt Re: Packetloss?!

User Off Offline

Trust me, I've been staggerfiring for a long time and there is 0.0% packetloss. He begun staggerfiring at 0:25.

If you watch carefully it can be seen that almost every good player out there's using it.

alt Re: Packetloss?!


i think i got it.

its not exactly "loss."

when he fires continuously, due to network instability, some packets end up lumped closely together (in time).

as a measure against hackers, the server ignores the second packet of a "lump," which results in shots being ignored.

so any 2 attack packets separated by a time less than the cool-off period of the weapon will result in only one hit.

alt Re: Packetloss?!

User Off Offline

@Time: What you think is stagger firing is actually the loss of packets while shooting continuously.

What you can see in the video is when I fire really slowly this loss does almost not occur. Which gives flood credibility.
Staggerfiring does not help by much. I tested with an autoclicker that artificially reduces rof to 400 but it still has this loss.

@DC if flood is right, is there something that can be done about it serversided. For example an 'average' check for rof except of blocking those packets?

alt Re: Packetloss?!

User Off Offline

By the way, has anyone ever seen an aimbotter lose packets? I haven't. I can't confirm this because I can't find hacks without trojans, but I believe that the way uprate sends packets to the server is flawless. This would imply that the problem is not in the connection or server. Maybe if a new version of cs2d would have a sort of aimbot but without perfect aim... sounds really weird but I hope you get what I mean here.

@DC, even when noone else is using my network and I disable all other programs I get this packet loss. I tried on different servers and different server providers and it seems to be worse when there are more players in a server. But I'm not sure about the latter.

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 50, Received = 50, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 32ms, Maximum = 41ms, Average = 34ms

alt Re: Packetloss?!

User Off Offline

I have that problem sometimes.
I try to repair my building, but wrench isn't working sometimes, I mean, money is not reduced and building is not repairing. It happens ~1 hit of 10 maybe...

alt Re: Packetloss?!

Admin Off Offline

Torque hat geschrieben
By the way, has anyone ever seen an aimbotter lose packets? I haven't. I can't confirm this because I can't find hacks without trojans, but I believe that the way uprate sends packets to the server is flawless. This would imply that the problem is not in the connection or server. Maybe if a new version of cs2d would have a sort of aimbot but without perfect aim... sounds really weird but I hope you get what I mean here.

what a nonsense! even if that's true - the solution would not be to add an aimbot but to change the way data is send. LOL! I don't think that this is true. the problem (if there is one) needs to be fixed on the server side and not on the client side.

in the video I see that some packets are dropped even though you shoot really slowly. this would mean packetloss.

nevertheless I'll take a look at this.
1× editiert, zuletzt 22.01.11 12:17:49

alt Re: Packetloss?!


A quick solution to this would be to stop playing on those servers that has high pings. If you want to do a clan war with someone in example, then you need a good server for starters. I've seen pretty bad clan war servers... I lagged so much. Then when I'm on a low ping server then my ping is okay.

This is just my theory: the issue is caused by the distance between countries. If the player who hosts the server is far away, in country such as china then that'd be the likely cause of packetloss or latency. Packets may be blocked in china or something (who knows), since I have to send packets all the way to china and then china needs to send packets back to the players on the server, it will cause slow everything, lol. Therefor... just stop playing on those high ping servers, thank you for your understanding.

alt Re: Packetloss?!

User Off Offline

That sure is true, except... it isn't a high ping server:

Torque hat geschrieben
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 50, Received = 50, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 32ms, Maximum = 41ms, Average = 34ms

average 34 ms. That isn't high...

alt Re: Packetloss?!


Some users could have internet connection issues then, internet being shared through the router, I have same issue. I just download the Leatrix Latency Fix because I want low ping when I'm on a server. Hope it will get fixed.

alt Re: Packetloss?!

User Off Offline

Thank you for answering to my question DC. But I do not really appreciate you using that retarded face smiley on me. Especially because I'm of the opinion that you are the one who's missing out on things here.

Of course I did not imply to put an actual aimbot in cs2d but I wanted to give you a tip by looking at the way an aimbot sends packets. Also I did already tell you twice that I had no packet loss: Packets: Sent = 50, Received = 50, Lost = 0 (0% loss)
I also tried with a thousand packets, none lost.
Furthermore when shooting really slowly there were no packets lost. I double checked but Time already mentioned this as well.

Thank you for planning to look at this.

alt Re: Packetloss?!

Admin Off Offline

I really didn't want to offend you. I'm very sorry if I did so. I used the -smiley to express how funny this aimbot-thought is. I didn't want to express that anyone is retarded.

Torque hat geschrieben
Of course I did not imply to put an actual aimbot in cs2d

I answered the way I did because (in my opnion) you did imply exactly that. with this sentence:
Torque hat geschrieben
Maybe if a new version of cs2d would have a sort of aimbot but without perfect aim... sounds really weird but I hope you get what I mean here.

whatever. I'm glad that we all agree that implementing aimbots is not an option

alt Re: Packetloss?!


Lol that Leatrix stuff worked I think. Even Kiffer-Opa joined my game, even though I had it on LAN only. He then said something like "just because your server does not appear in the server master list that doesn't mean I can't access it" I was like "what? how?" haha, ah well, Kiffer-Opa is really funny sometimes. Then several other people joined my game, which NO ONE usually do... leatrix works, thanks. My ping was ~80 on some low ping server. On other servers it was ~200, before my ping was around ~150 on low pinged servers and ~500 on other servers. It's quite a improvement though.

Packet loss, happens to me I think... because my game is like freezing 1 second then it works, then 3 seconds later it freeze again. It has always done that I'm used to it... I need a new PC that's all, haha. By the way I don't mind the clichés about smileys. √

alt Re: Packetloss?!

User Off Offline

DC hat geschrieben
I really didn't want to offend you. I'm very sorry if I did so. I used the -smiley to express how funny this aimbot-thought is. I didn't want to express that anyone is retarded.

I'm a retard and I'm so offended!

Glad that it helped you.
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