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Englisch Talk Script

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alt geschlossen Talk Script

User Off Offline

Hmm i have new idea , can anyone or DC make really talking in CS2D? Just as in CS 1.6 that as the K presses you can talk by microphone.Hmm really is nice idea but horrible to make. Sorry for english im from Poland

alt Re: Talk Script

User Off Offline

Or you could advertise a teamspeak server on your server to make people talk. Or not. Because most people don't have a mic and don't care anyways.

alt Re: Talk Script

User Off Offline

Please, use the search. This has been suggested a thousand times and it will get declined another thousand times. No, we don't want to have voice chat in cs2d. There are too many kiddies out there who'd just spam the voice chat, play shitty music, flame each other and so on.

alt Re: Talk Script

User Off Offline

user ohaz hat geschrieben
There are too many kiddies out there who'd just spam the voice chat, play shitty music, flame each other and so on.

This is the main reason why Voice Chat in CS2D should never be implemented.

alt Re: Talk Script

Admin On Online

You would be busy with muting 95% of all players every time you join a new server. Chances that the voice chat is used properly on a public server are very low. Most kids will simply use it to do annoying sounds. It's not worth the time which is required to implement it.

Search the forum if you want to find other reasons. I commented on this very often already.

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