i need renaming for my GunRox mod.
how to rename?
function initArray(m) local array = {} for i = 1, m do array[i]=0 end return array end be=initArray(32) addhook ("use","be") function be (id, event, data, x, y) if (x==23 and y==21) then menu (id,"Wenn du Denkst dass du doof bist Zahle 1k,Okay ich Zahle,Ich Zahle vielleicht...,Ich Zahle Nicht!") end end addhook ("menu","das") function das (id,sel) if (menu=="Wenn du Denkst dass du doof bist Zahle 1k") then if (sel==1 and player (id,"money")>999) then parse ("sethealth "..id.." "..(player(id,"health")+50)) parse ("setmoney "..id.." "..(player(id,"money")-1000)) end end end
addhook("use","elevator.press") function elevator.press(id, event, data, x, y) 	xtrig = 86 -- The X-position of the trigger 	ytrig = 75 -- The Y-position of the trigger 	if (x == xtrig) and (y == ytrig) then 		parse("setpos "..id.." "100 100") 		msg2(id, "*ding*") 		end 	end end
addhook("use","elevator.press") function elevator.press(id, event, data, x, y) 	xtrig = 86 -- The X-position of the trigger 	ytrig = 75 -- The Y-position of the trigger 	if (x == xtrig) and (y == ytrig) then 		parse("setpos "..id.." "100 100") 		msg2(id, "*ding*") 		end 	end end
function sample.badwords.say(p,t) 	t=string.lower(t) 	for i = 1,#sample.badwords.words do 		if (string.find(t,sample.badwords.words[i])~=nil) then 			[b]msg(player (p,"name").." has been given a warning for foul language!")[/b] 			parse("slap "..p) 			break 		end 	end
function digits(n, p, m) if not m then m = 10^p - 1 end if n == 0 then return "000" end if n <= m then local _p = 0 while (n < 10^(p-1)) do p = p-1 _p = _p + 1 end local str = n for i = 1, _p, 1 do str = "0"..str end return str else return m end end function Color(r, b, g) return string.format("©%s%s%s", digits(r, 3, 255), digits(b, 3, 255),digits(g, 3, 255)) end
function sample.badwords.say(p,t) t=string.lower(t) for i = 1,#sample.badwords.words do if (string.find(t,sample.badwords.words[i])~=nil) then msg(Color([b][u]Red, Blue, Green[/u][/b])...player (p,"name").." has been given a warning for foul language!") parse("slap "..p) break end end