jackisokay2 has written
sweet, i learned something
No, -WiLSoN- wrong... Script is wrong.
parse('hudtxt2 1 1 "©255000000Hi" 210 415 0')
function array(s,v) 	local t = {} 	for i=1,s do	t[i]=v end 	return t end player_rank = array(32,0) --This will hold the kills (u can use player(id,"score")) player_sprite = array(32,0) --And this the sprite id rank_sprites = {"gfx/rank1.bmp","gfx/rank2.bmp","gfx/rank3.bmp"} addhook("kill","killz") function killz(killer) 	player_rank[killer] = player_rank[killer] + 1 --Increase kills 	if player_rank[killer] > 3 then player_rank[killer] = 3 end 	freeimage(player_sprite[killer]) --Release the old sprite 	player_sprite[killer] = image(rank_sprites[player_rank[killer]],1,0,200+killer)--Load the new sprite end
parse('mp_wpndmg "'..itemtype..'" '..damage)
parse('sv_msg2 '..id..' "'..txt..'"')
function my_msg2(id,txt) 	parse('sv_msg2 '..id..' '..txt) end addhook('buy','buying') function buying(id) 	my_msg2(id,'©255000000You Cant Buy') 	return 1 end
addhook("spawn","spawn3") addhook("say","spawn3") function spawn3(id,txt) if(txt=="!fluchtwagen") then 	 freeimage(id) parse("speedmod "..id.." 20") id1=image("gfx/carscript/fastcar.bmp",1,1,200+id) parse("setmaxhealth "..id.." 200") parse ("equip "..id.." 85") imagescale(id1,1,1) imageblend(id1,3) imagealpha(id1,1.0) if (player(id,"team") == 2) then imagecolor(id1,255,255,255) elseif (player(id,"team") == 1) then imagecolor(id1,255,255,255) end 	end end
if not flacko then flacko ={} end flacko.cw = {} function initArray(size,value) 	local cmd = {} 	for i = 1,size do 		cmd[i] = value 	end 	return cmd end _green = 0 _red = 1 _yellow = 2 _blue = 3 flacko.cw.modeslist = initArray(32,0) addhook("spawn","flacko.cw.spawn") function flacko.cw.spawn(id) 	parse("equip "..id.." 45") 	parse("setweapon "..id.." 45") 	flacko.cw.modeslist[id] = _green end addhook("attack2","flacko.cw.attack2") function flacko.cw.attack2(id,mode) 	if(player(id,"weapontype")==45) then 		flacko.cw.modeslist[id] = mode 	end end addhook("hit","flacko.cw.hit") function flacko.cw.hit(id,source,weapon) 	if player(source,"team") ~= player(id,"team") then 		if(flacko.cw.modeslist[source] == _red and weapon == 45) then 			local pl_x = player(id,"x") 			local pl_y = player(id,"y") 			parse("explosion "..pl_x.." "..pl_y.." 100 80 "..source) 			return 1 		elseif(flacko.cw.modeslist[source] == _yellow and weapon == 45) then 			parse("speedmod "..id.." -15") 			return 1 		elseif(flacko.cw.modeslist[source] == _blue and weapon == 45) then 			return 1 		end 	elseif player(source,"team") == player(id,"team") then 		if(flacko.cw.modeslist[source] == _blue and weapon == 45) then 			local idhealth = player(id,"health") 			parse("sethealth "..id.." "..idhealth + 100) 			return 1 		end 	end end
if not flacko then flacko ={} end flacko.cw = {} function initArray(size,value) 	local cmd = {} 	for i = 1,size do 		cmd[i] = value 	end 	return cmd end _green = 0 _red = 1 _yellow = 2 _blue = 3 flacko.cw.modeslist = initArray(32,0) addhook("spawn","flacko.cw.spawn") function flacko.cw.spawn(id) 	parse("equip "..id.." 45") 	parse("setweapon "..id.." 45") 	flacko.cw.modeslist[id] = _green end addhook("attack2","flacko.cw.attack2") function flacko.cw.attack2(id,mode) 	if(player(id,"weapontype")==45) then 		flacko.cw.modeslist[id] = mode 	end end addhook("hit","flacko.cw.hit") function flacko.cw.hit(id,source,weapon) 	if player(source,"team") ~= player(id,"team") then 		if(flacko.cw.modeslist[source] == _red and weapon == 45) then 			local pl_x = player(id,"x") 			local pl_y = player(id,"y") 			parse("explosion "..pl_x.." "..pl_y.." 100 80 "..source) 			return 1 		elseif(flacko.cw.modeslist[source] == _yellow and weapon == 45) then 			parse("speedmod "..id.." -15") 			return 1 		elseif(flacko.cw.modeslist[source] == _blue and weapon == 45) then 			return 1 		end 	elseif player(source,"team") == player(id,"team") then 		if(flacko.cw.modeslist[source] == _blue and weapon == 45) then 			local idhealth = player(id,"health") 			parse("sethealth "..id.." "..idhealth + 100) 			return 1 		end 	end end