How to make Player/Weapon skins?
How to make Player/Weapon skins?
16 replies0a User
Hi guys.
I make a tutorial for you;
How to make a Player/Weapon skin?
Im using paint for creating skins
Okay, i choose a player skin.
Firstly you must found your colours.
Example, you want to do a police.(player)
Founding a image for your skin
google it
when you search, you need get HUMAN skin colour and clothes.
lets try to search

when you see a SO MUCH COLOURED police click it and save it.
i found this when im searching.

Getting colours from an image
now, you should open your download file with paint.
you should do a empty area for new colours.
Now, get EYEDROPPER and select your colours for police.

You must get NEW COLOURS from your selected colour.
Select your colour and go to Edit Colours from menu.
Now, get LIGHT and DARK colours for it like this:

now, select your all colours and do a shadow-line for it on file.:

You found new colours!
now, get one of default ct1,ct2,ct3,t1 (etc) skins.
i choose ct1
do a empty area for that too
Select your all colours and copy to ct1

Choose a style of ct1 skin: i will choose 2 handed always.
If you want to draw new style of your skin, you must FIRSTLY do it.
Now, replace your colours to normal ct1 skin..
When you finish 1 model, copy them to others, and finish it.
Thats all
Really cool Zero...I like your tutorial but where is the Weapon Tutorial
...I hope to see more Tips on how to make a Player...this was really helpfull but you need to pimp it(writte someting about good shading,details and eqipment)...
People you learn here from the Master
Yeah nice, but i delted my ct1 skin
Can somesend me it ?
I have rly good ideas for player skins but i dont have a base skin.. or you can use paint.net for this
Yeah, thats what i use you get better tools..
But i have the CT skin now.. J4x User
Thx for the info. zero
Good and simple tut
By the way, that police officer looks like a porn movie star from the 80s'
very good tutorial
I knew it, but anyway this usefull lesson.
i need help cause i don't know how to do the shadow can someone tell me how and in what program??? J4x User
u can make it in paint.net and try to download one of my files, i recommend u to download my smod tactical artic soldier and look how i shade it.. Or, you could just learn how to shade. 0a User
you want shades, shadows right?
theres a black line on skeleton of skin, get colours like grey, dark grey and replace the lines near, ir will be a shadow
i see some people dont get it. the same is with the weapons! remember this
Im quite... let's say experienced with normal MS paint.
You can easily recolor colours of the same ID or Code in paint.
Use the eraser. First select the color with Eyedropper with left mouse button which you want to replace (in this case your green ct guy, click on the lightest colour possible) then click with Eyedropper with right mouse button on the colour you want to change it to. (click on the lightest blue colour in this case).
Now click and hold the right mouse button and erase all and only the green! This way you can recolor a WHOLE skin within just 15 seconds.
Want the eraser to be bigger? So you can change a larger area of colours at a time? Press CTRL + [+] (Plus sign on your NUMERIC keyboard) Hold it, your eraser block will grow larger, want it to be smaller again? Instead use the CTRL + [-] sign, (Minus sign).
There are some other tricks in paint too. Press CTRL + I to INVERT colors. You can also "trail an image" (which has a simple but funny effect) select a piece of a picture, press and hold SHIFT, now drag the selected area (While still holding the shift key), see what happens? The image is being copied in a trail you drag it to.
Hint: Did you know that older MS Paint only "Undo" up to three times? Newer paints, like MS (Vista/Windows 7] Paint "Undo" up to ten times. (Keep that in mind if you want to try things out, otherwise save often or make backups of old images you want to keep).
-Edit- Also this topic is not how you create Weapon/Player skins, this is how you recolor skins in a unsuitable way. (Or you can recolor by Hue, in any photoshop program, like freeware Gimp or Paint.net).
Like the tutorial, this helped me. It will helps too much people. Thanks for tutorial.