Re: Realism mod [V2.0] ReleasedJ4x User Offline 30.12.10 07:13:23 pm i need more suggestion... plz give me more edited 2×, last 02.01.11 06:53:22 pm
Re: Realism mod [V2.0] ReleasedYates Reviewer Offline 02.01.11 07:37:24 pm With ducking behind obsticals, wouldn't you just walk around and if someone shoots you duck.. Or would it be that a random bullet hits you, and by ducking can you shoot over and obstical ?
Re: Realism mod [V2.0] ReleasedJ4x User Offline 02.01.11 07:47:08 pm @yates, because i think that before, u can only duck behind a obtacle edited 1×, last 07.01.11 08:06:30 pm
Re: Realism mod [V2.0] ReleasedYates Reviewer Offline 07.01.11 08:00:21 pm Nice, need any map's i'm bored and have nothing to do xP Just tell me what i must do send me msg..