as I have a different version of the game that the server gives me error and does not appear in the list my server, I am impatient because I want people to connect to it.
Translated with google translator.
Admin/mod comment
Don't use translators please. It's very hard to understand what you're talking about. /TKD
I think it may be showing ServerVersion to show which actual version that software is, so it hosts for guys and the current software version is 1.0.0..? Actually I'm not suire but it's a theory.
server version: software version of the server (you can ignore this, unimportant)
game version: the CS2D version for which this server is made. this is the important thing and it is 0118 as you see.
so everything is fine!
36963 is the only port that is required (assuming that you are using the default settings with 36963 as port)