
Here, only you two do resize...just because you are not smart enough to learn to draw.
Read the tutorial and then it can help you understand why you need to use templates, images and sketches before draw anything.
Read the tutorial and then it can help you understand why you need to use templates, images and sketches before draw anything.
RESIZES!?!WHICH ONE OF MY FUCKING UPLOADS IS A RESIZE!?!I know how to draw!Everybody knows except u!
GO!!!Jump off from a fucking cliff!
edited 1×, last 16.09.11 01:06:10 pm

Looks amazing. Only spoils the wrong standard shadow. The rest is great!
offtopic: @icecrem
i just saw your signature and yes, the most hacking software to hack other games(like cs2d) have much more than just the little game hack in it. this is a easy way how the creator of the hack can get any password and other shit.
anyway ill keep my little laptop clean. dont even download porns muhahahha!
Even if it is resize or not (yes it is) its the worst thing ive ever seen, the players are totally F...d up and the weapons are HORRIBLE without outlines. You would better not upload this, it will just waste space. RamboFox is right and you would better not resize and instead of saying S...t, you should better prove THAT YOU MADE IT!
1. its not a resize
2. iif its the worst thing you ever seen then you didnt saw much
3. he should prove that he made it? prove that he didnt made it
guys come on,just some artwwork for a freeware gme why you hate/cry so much..
It was his skins inspired me to create realistic-looking build the game.
@M-n-M - until i see the video how hes making it, i wont believe! and look on players in T team. the first one has got too much big head, second one has "broken" arms or what and also Fourth one is weird too
And they are not realistic, really. Look at those players.
I've got a challenge for you, since your every single file have these words of..
Made pixel by pixel from an original without photoshop and plugin effects.
Make a weapon/sprite skins with MS Paint that is better than mine or most of the veterans here and if you din't.. I dont know what to say.. Maybe you are.. pffff..

For comparison, please see the skins CS:S 2D BETA SKINS by Phenixtri.
It was his skins inspired me to create realistic-looking build the game.
It was his skins inspired me to create realistic-looking build the game.
Your skins suck. Only Russians support you thanks to the idiotic tradition! I am ashamed that my mothertongue is Russian because of people like you!

Why you fight like small children is beyond me. Stop this. Everybody's everything is good okay? Okay!
There are no problems with resizes. At least someone bothers to resize nice stuff to use with CS 2D.
LOL this thread's gone from superb stuff to fierce feuds.

I hope someone makes something good soon and do post about it here okay?

There are no problems with resizes.
The problem with pure resizes is that they usually look like shit.
If they looked good, then nobody would bother arguing about it.
Pagyra, why you're not replying? c'mon.
resize type 1 is the shitty 5 min half assed work that losses all its quality when the image is scaled down.
resize type 2 AKA the good rezises are when the creator only uses the original images shape and textures and then recreates them on a smaller scale to maintain the quality of the skin.
This is not a 5 min job and is not easy. For a resize to be properly made it would take aprox. 20-30 min or work if you know what your are doing and this is with programs like Photoshop and Gimp 2.0 mind you.

Of course both kinds you mentioned are resizes, but the second type is more like a remake on a smaller scale.
edited 1×, last 18.09.11 12:28:27 am

With Player skins etc. most people take the original shape as a basis, because it just turns out to be very good, and also because a lot of users don't want too much change in their skins.

This is not a 5 min job and is not easy. For a resize to be properly made it would take aprox. 20-30 min or work if you know what your are doing