Look This game is fun if you have more humans playing instead of playing with bots. Because bots can see, and plus with humans its more fun!
there are only 5 maps ready there arent any waypoint just on one of them and you cant make fog of war off Make or download some from the web i prefer making so u can make i the way u like! It's fog of war because otherwise there would be a less advantage for the Hidden though that was just an assumption we all love the Hidden so they give it fog effects.
hey it more fun, scary, and just to much damn fun w/ fow , so pleas play well thats good but how do i turn fog of war off it sucks! @skiper: you can't turn off fog of war, as we have been saying for the past several posts. Fog of war is left permanently on for the IRIS to ensure a most creepy and scary feel for the game and to make sure the Hidden has a slight advantage. hidden sucks !!!
normal rocks!!!
the reson is that the hidden got stupid sounds and stuff there arent choise of fg on or off and the music of the levels is just horrible
edited 1×, last 04.11.06 06:57:45 pm
Admin/mod comment
this is spam/flame because it is a not argued criticism. saying that something is bad without saying why is stupid.
it was crazy, you could be I.R.I.S. or Hidden, it's insane. but some things i don't like with the iris...
i like unreal softwares games, try to create some more combat games.
i have made some maps at cs2d.
and can be found in http://www.fpsbanana.com/maps/
like dm_nuke, dm_aztec, de_syphonfilter. etc. this maps belongs in the custum stuff thread you can find it in cs2d forum in up
hey, why does this give me memory access violation? we had this 100 times before its a bug of cs2d read the faq www.cs2d.com/faq.php and this is not the rigth thread for this question
i meant its in hidden 2d mod and besides i have done all those tingies in the FAQ Hidden2D = Cs2D with some changes...lol ill give that a try... i downloaded a package that had same name but its size is smaller... sorry i fool you cuz i thout you talk for the normal one
oh ***t no, the dam hidden doesn't work. it just gives an memory access violatoin error. <<sigh>>
am i doing something wrong? is this installed just by extracting it to a folder or do i have to do somethign else? memory aces violation is not just on cs it happends me ojn other games and it happents when all the files are messed up (the game files) in the computer