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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user Sparty has written
user deletemepl0x has written
user Zins has written
• change the background of the website it's too dar and it's suck in the same time

You can use This if you don't like the green one.

You mad? if people(boys) come to this site and see's this pink? no way then More (F**king) girls will come

You stupid? It's only accessible via a link that isn't even anywhere on the site. And what don't you like about girls?

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

user EngiN33R has written
user Sparty has written
user deletemepl0x has written
user Zins has written
• change the background of the website it's too dar and it's suck in the same time

You can use This if you don't like the green one.

You mad? if people(boys) come to this site and see's this pink? no way then More (F**king) girls will come

You stupid? It's only accessible via a link that isn't even anywhere on the site. And what don't you like about girls?

God dammn it I mean If user DC puts Pink then yeah (muahahaha you fail >:D joking) Lol
I like girls boobs thats all you?

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Moderator Off Offline

Then specify what you mean exactly and don't just say 'no fuk u mad' and then explain yourself with some stuff you just came up with. And despite the sheer awesomeness of boobs, this is getting off-topic.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

user EngiN33R has written
Then specify what you mean exactly and don't just say 'no fuk u mad' and then explain yourself with some stuff you just came up with. And despite the sheer awesomeness of boobs, this is getting off-topic.

yes it is I think but the Part: Then specify what you mean exactly and don't just say 'no fuk u mad' and then explain yourself with some stuff you just came up with Couldn't Understand O.o

anyway how about Ranks? not Pvt shit I mean Skinner or Lua Scripter & Mapper

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Here's a great idea! Ban all the idiots that don't follow the file submission rules when they upload resize/cropped images that they find in Google! Especially those that "make" the splashes from pictures they find in Google!

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user Majatek has written
Here's a great idea! Ban all the idiots that don't follow the file submission rules when they upload resize/cropped images that they find in Google! Especially those that "make" the splashes from pictures they find in Google!

they get a temp ban or a real ban ?

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

Either or, at least then users would follow the damn rules.

Besides I'm pretty sure you should get banned if you copy stuff from google, but thus far anyone who has been doing the old "take an image from google and crop/resize it and call it your own splash" don't get banned.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Obviously Exactly Myself
User Off Offline

user Majatek has written
Here's a great idea! Ban all the idiots that don't follow the file submission rules when they upload resize/cropped images that they find in Google! Especially those that "make" the splashes from pictures they find in Google!

I like that, banning everyone who breaks copyrights, great! Whew, at least Phenixtri (A.K.A. "jerk") isn't a moderator anymore.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user Obviously Exactly Myself has written
user Majatek has written
Here's a great idea! Ban all the idiots that don't follow the file submission rules when they upload resize/cropped images that they find in Google! Especially those that "make" the splashes from pictures they find in Google!

I like that, banning everyone who breaks copyrights, great! Whew, at least Phenixtri (A.K.A. "jerk") isn't a moderator anymore.

Don't forget Pygra, he'd get perm. banned too.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

At least when the rules get enforced users are forced to post their own work instead of copying shit from other places.

I hope that the rule also applies to default resources (aka edits of default resources are not allowed and should be a ban worthy offense) - It would clean this site from a lot of the crap that is washing out all the decent artists and their decent work.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

He said thread rules, not the site ones.
user Sparty has written
illegal Rules:
• If DC says Yes then Accepted If no then No
• Explain or Show an Image
• This is Only For Unrealsoftware site
• Do Not go off-Topic
• No Swearing or Spamming like Shit
• user DC Said I could make this and he doesn't Give a shit
• Do Not put Trolling or Rick Rolling OR foreveralone? what other shit..
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