He doesn't seem to like any files. He's just a kid who's living a worthless life, and who can only feel good if he makes someone mad. He is sad. And pathetic.
@ KenGar07: You are temp banned for exaggerated flaming. Please stop flaming and behave properly or your account will be banned. The comment function is for CONSTRUCTIVE comments not for DESTRUCTIVE comments. Don't comment if you don't have to say anything useful. Don't behave like an asshole. Read the rules.
@ Obviously Exactly Myself: I've better things to do than removing crap. Maybe a mod will do that but I doubt it. Sorry. Just ignore those comments.
@ palomino: Oops, yeah. I found out he's living a life loving nothing insulting everyone who created with or without effort in their files. No offense, he seems to be an emo or something.