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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi tiger. Hey I am looking for that script error but cannot seem to find it. Do you have any more details about when it happened? Like did you find when the game loaded? Or during the gameplay? Or what size map/difficulty you choose? Anything?

I do not believe you need more ram or allocation. Its simply the ability to parse scripts faster I think, because the mod has a large script that parses every 4 seconds and other scripts parsing in between that script. (higher processor speed?)

I would be interested in knowing if some of the lag spiking goes away after your player gets "dry" once you clear the water and stay out of the water until you get the message "Your are completely dry!".

Yes the blitz engine is could try right clicking the .exe or shortcut, and in properties set the "run in capability mode" to win8 or XP. Or while your in a game, right click your task bar and open the Task will show your memory usage or maybe show you something else.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Thanks for the updates! I'm having fun on a new island, I think I'll try Expert next

Bug report:
Corpses are not despawning at all!
When you catch a turtle while fishing, there is no message, and the turtle spawns at your feet instead of inventory.
There seems to be a lighting glitch during mornings, where it goes dark for a bit.
There seems to be fewer predators around, maybe because they're not spawning?
Maybe the clues aren't spawning either; I'm halfway through Summer and can't find any (but that could be just bad luck!).

Question for anyone: is there any way to increase the maximum view range?
edited 1×, last 19.10.19 09:27:23 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi broccolu, glad your enjoying the updates

Corpses(bones) no longer despawn at the first midnight update...they despawn on the second midnight update. This was changed because in the event that you kill a unit at 11:58pm or 11:59pm you may not get a chance to loot the bones at midnight and lose what was rightfully yours.

When catching the turtle while fishing, it should only spawn at your feet if there was not enough room in your rucksack to carry it...however I will check the script. EDIT
Yes i found a script error, thanks! Also a message was added for catching the turtle and crab, they both had the same issue.

I will keep an eye out for a morning lighting bug, have not seen it but there may be something causing a bug during sleep or time changing. will investigate.

Unit spawns are dynamically spawned and despawned throughout entire game play...some days will have few units around the island and some days will seem the days pass a script runs to tame over population and tracks the amount of each type unit. On the harder modes, in late game play the native units spawn in greater numbers too...this was to keep the game challenging even after you have spent 2-3 seasons building a fortress and advancing in weapons.

Clues do spawn...they are found on the shoreline always. (anywhere water meets the land including inland lakes and some times inland in shallow sand areas.) Only they spawn and despawn randomly every few days. So one day it might be hidden aside a rock and if not found after a few days it despawns and spawn at a new shore location. Only one clue at a time will spawn. They also spawn in sequence... clue 2 will not spawn until you find clue 1. Either taking a boat around the island shore, or hiking around the shoreline on foot should be most helpful. Also note, clues have a threshold time when they will spawn...for example you wont find clue 3 until summer passes, and the last clue won't be found until you spend 4 seasons on the island. (a general example) They are something to keep an eye out for but not spend everyday looking for them cuz another don't spawn the moment one is found, it can take a week or 2 for the next one to start spawning. It depends on how soon you find the first clue, then so on.

p.s In option/graphics there is a view distance slider you can slide up to high.
edited 3×, last 19.10.19 11:12:20 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

Thanks for the detailed response, there's a lot there I didn't know about, particularly the clues and unit spawns.

Regarding the corpses - for me they're not disappearing ever, even after weeks. Starting a new game doesn't fix it. It could be just something strange about my computer. Either way, it's better now that I don't have to worry about losing loot.

For the view distance, I was hoping that there might be a file we could edit to get it even higher than the base game allows. Wishful thinking

old brocculu a favor?

Super User Off Offline

hey broccolu thanks again and yes the bone pile scripts have an error, you can fix your copy by doing the following:

1) Go to /sys folder and open the OBJECTS_STUFF.INF file.

2)Scroll all the way to the bottom and you will see the 4 type BONES PILES scripts.

3) For each bone pile type you will see ON:CHANGEDAY {

on:changeday {
		local $id;
		loop("objects", $id){
			$loop_id = loop_id();
				free "object", $loop_id;

4) Where you see the line 5:
loop("objects", $id){

5) replace $id with the actual bone pile ID...the 4 bone piles are 3916,3917,3918,3919...these ID's are right under the names of the Bone Piles ID=#. So the large pile would look like this:
loop("objects", 3919){
The tiny pile would look like this:
loop("objects", 3916){

6) Then top right under FILE save the file, close everything and run the game...the bone piles should disappear on the 2nd change day.

p.s. make sure you do each $id of the 4 bone piles scripts with the 4 DIFFERENT ID's to match...the tiny pile will be ID=3916, where the large pile is ID=3919.

for next update. I went ahead and tested and it was the issue, if ya want to fix your game now follow the guide above.
edited 7×, last 20.10.19 04:16:32 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

I will be posting the latest update this month as soon as I finish testing some more of the following new stuff and fixes. Just giving you all a heads up!

Progress thus far:

More >
edited 3×, last 06.11.19 06:49:14 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

quick question: is the enter key on your computer disabled? you never have any indentations in the game script for survivalist. It makes the entire code undecipherable. What's the point of that?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

it does.

use notepad++ to open files.

and the scripting format is continued from the original massive mod creator builder_2.0 and I never changed his format, and i can read it fine.

ofcoarse my enter key is disabled...isn't everyone's?

P.S. Everyone i ever met in computing uses the TAB or SPACE key to make an indent, I never heard of using the ENTER key to make a indent.
edited 1×, last 03.11.19 01:31:40 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

P.S. Everyone i ever met in computing uses the TAB or SPACE key to make an indent, I never heard of using the ENTER key to make a indent.

oh yeah. I didn't mean indent, but words fail me. I can show you an example though:

regular script


survivalist script


i'll try notepad++ or whatever though. That will probably help. I was using regular notepad.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hehehe just messing with ya.

I don't know why notepad shows it as a single line...might be word wrap in option selection you can check to change that in notepad idk.

but i use notepad++ and its normal format in my view.

EDIT: p.s. I just opened about 5 different .inf files from the mod with regular notepad and it is formatted correctly(even checking word wrap)...not as you are experiencing. So there might be something wrong with your notepad installation, try re-install notepad...but notepad++ is better anyways for writing game script...easy as notepad, but way better usefulness and interactiveness.
edited 3×, last 04.11.19 08:00:25 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

hmm. it's worked fine on everything else in my mods. maybe some of your files are formatted correct. I've only really been looking at units.inf. I'll try notepad++ though to see if it works. Also, i'm looking forward to playing your new update, since i haven't tried any of the new updates in ages. I'll give you a review after.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

idk cuz i used notepad to open them before i started using notepad++...and i just opened them incuding the units file and they are properly indented and formatted as you would expect.

i got the windows 10 notepad. so i have no idea why yours opens the mods differently. You will love notepad++ way better then notepad anyways...just use it for a couple days and you'll never go back to notepad.

If you want to give an honest review you must play into winter season before you can actually give a "full" review. The stuff above is not added in mod download yet...i may add it by tonight or tomorrow...then try the mod with this latest update.


old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

The windows 10 notepad supports linux line breaks while the old versions don't. Modjuicer is surely just using Windows 7 or something like that.
@ModJuicer: Install Notepad++ und never use normal Notepad ever again. It's shit.

old New Update Posted 11-08-19

Super User Off Offline

A new update is now posted! 105.22MB
Current saves are likely not compatible but you may try and hope for no errors. Download from the top of page one or any of my signatures as usual. Enjoy! and Happy Holidays!

More >

EDIT: ∗ Re-Uploaded the update because I created a new script that eliminates the lag when swinging/hitting at units and objects. Be sure to re-download and transfer your save, its definitely worth it as smooth as it makes it.
edited 3×, last 02.12.19 11:45:23 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Thank you so much for the find Inkuna I fixed the update download...i had missed editing 2 .inf files.

You can download the 2 files here in this tiny zip file and unzip it...drop the 2 inf files into the /sys folder and choose REPLACE. (don't drop the whole folder in, just the 2 files within it) It will fix your copy.

> planting_patch

Thanks again!
edited 1×, last 09.11.19 10:49:26 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

User Off Offline

That was fast! Works like a charm. Thanks so much for your work, I love the mod

EDIT: Sorry I have a question, is there no way to remove markers from the map?
edited 1×, last 10.11.19 02:23:24 am
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