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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old 11-08-2019 update is now available

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no@markers, i may be able to make it possible for next update. Ill try to figure out a script. Prolly not until around Christmas though.

glad your enjoying the mod

still got a few things i want to work on before i call it finished.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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dang its been a REALLY long time since i gave this mod a gander, looks like you've changed a shit ton over the years

nice to see theres one active modder left in the S2 seen at least

old New Update Posted 11-11-19

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A new update is now posted 11-11-19 108.51MB
I couldn't wait till christmas to post because I found a few bugs that needed addressed now. Mainly the effects I recently changed had some issues, and some things i missed...all fixed

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edited 2×, last 02.12.19 11:44:42 pm

old Thanksgiving update 11-28-19 is now posted

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A new thanksgiving update is now posted! 109.49MB
Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures as usual. Enjoy!

This update completes the mod 100%. I will just be fixing any bugs until Christmas and uploading it into the S2 archives.

This update has some great graphics enhancements and performance tweaks. The mod runs smoother than ever before. Your latest save can be transferred to the "saves" folder but you may have to re-light your fires to update them with the new stuff...if you have any issues try sleeping past midnight once so everything updates.

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p.s. Hey Lion_Hearted my brotha, good to see ya! try this new update and get back to me happy TG!
edited 1×, last 02.12.19 11:43:54 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Lovely update! The game is so smooth now! I'm glad it's getting to a finished state now. I've been quietly enjoying it for years now I guess Just wanted to point out a few issues I'm having

-Sometimes, when I'm riding a horse that's attached to a log sled, the game will get attacked by lag spikes that get exponentially longer. Each lag spike literally seems to be double the length of the last, with only a single frame drawn between each spike. If I get off the horse, the lag stops. I can detach the sled and ride the horse normally afterward, but reattaching the sled seems to cause the game to freeze permanently. This just seems to happen at random, maybe after roughly 10 minutes of riding

-I think this is new with this update, maybe I'm wrong, but when standing on my sailraft to fish, I slowly sink through it, often falling into the ocean before I can finish a fishing action.

-Small balance/realism thing, if your fly fishing rod breaks while fishing you're given a log, even though the rod only costs a long pole and cord to make.

old Adventure Mode?

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Hi folks. I played Massive Mod back in the day, and wanted to come back and give it another go. I see that this mod has taken over for it. My question is: is there a way to still play the adventure mode campaign? When I load into Survivalist, there seem to only be the random map modes.


old Horse Lag Fix

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Hi again Inkuna! Hey that is a great bug find my friend. I found the issue and fixed it.

When you used the horse a timer is added to make the sled move. only i forgot to add a line of script that removes the timer when you use the menu. So every time you use the horse menu a timer is over the coarse of time you are adding multiple timers that start causing lag.

I fixed it though, now every time the menu closes the timer is removed and adds only ONE timer. Until the next update you can simply GET OFF the horse to remove the multiple timers and fix the lag, for now.

Here is a fix if you want to fix your copy now...tiny download:
> horse_fix

1) Download and unzip the tiny folder.
2) Put the UNITS.INF file in the /sys folder and replace the old one.
3) Put the HORSE_DONOTHING.s2s file in the /sys/scripts/horse folder.
4)Close everything n run the game.

The sinking through watercraft is always been there, as the model rocks back n forth you slide through it...i cant fix that...but you can "jump up" once in between casting to put yourself back on the surface of the boats.

The idea of the fishing poles breaking when you don't use bait/tackle and get a log, is: You got your line snared on a log and break your pole, and so that's what you get...a log lol.

Thank you so much for your feedback n bug reports!

hi adam80027, no there is no adventure mode in this mod it is disabled. The mod is a based on massive mod and only has random maps...or the old original raptor challenge.

For the adventure mode you can simply download the regular Stranded 2 and play it. In this mod you create your own adventure in an open world. Take a look at page 1 at the top under Mod Features.
edited 5×, last 02.12.19 11:43:24 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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JasJack67 has written
The idea of the fishing poles breaking when you don't use bait/tackle and get a log, is: You got your line snared on a log and break your pole, and so that's what you get...a log lol.

Oh I never considered that

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

The idea of the fishing poles breaking when you don't use bait/tackle and get a log, is: You got your line snared on a log and break your pole, and so that's what you get...a log lol.

maybe you should add a message, though, to clear up confusion. Also, when fishing on the raft you could add a code like this:

on:fish (or whatever){
	$x=getx "unit",1;
	$y=gety "unit",1;
	$z=getz "unit",1;
	setpos "unit",1,$x,$y+10,$z;

that would set the player higher up, so after you fish the player would jump up into a higher position to avoid falling in the water.

hope that helps

old Boat collision fix, no more sinking through

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That is a good idea Modjuicer but I actually found a better solution for the boats. (There is already a message about not using bait n takle causing pole breakage)

You can now stand and climb around on the boats without sinking through into the water.

I did this by creating a "dummy" OBJECT using each of the boats UNIT models. So you build a UNIT boat and you drive the UNIT boat...then when you stop driving and "get off" the UNIT model changes to a OBJECT model. The player does not sink through an OBJECT because it has no animation. When you choose to drive the object model, it changes back to a UNIT model so it drives.

EDIT: I also added the "sway" definitions to make the models move/rock back-n-forth, the player can not tell the difference.

Happy fishing! The boats now have full collision and no more sinking through, you can walk around freely on them now. This also means you can set stuff on the boat like a lantern, or other stuff. When you move the boat though they will not go with the boat. Also, I scripted it so anything you have stored in the boats is transferred between the models without any issues.

changelog so far for Christmas update: edited 12-17-19
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edited 11×, last 17.12.19 09:02:17 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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(There is already a message about not using bait n takle causing pole breakage)

I wasn't exactly talking about that. I was talking about a message that tells you that you snagged a log, explaining why you suddenly pick up a log, seemingly for no reason.

so basically when you snag a log it tells you. Otherwise you have absolutely no explanation for a log suddenly appearing when you break your pole.

edit: one thing to improve in the mod would be water texture. It looks pretty low quality.

edit: you should use the water texture from titanium, which is the one I use for my mod. It's high quality.
edited 1×, last 12.12.19 04:44:45 pm

old New Christmas Update is now posted!

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The new Christmas update 12-24-19 is now posted! 109.84MB Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures as usual.

Merry Christmas! and enjoy!

Save will likely not be compatible but you can try to transfer your save to the saves folder to continue your game. They may work depending on your current game "day" and "items" or "objects" you have built.

change log:
∗ A final breakthrough in the main 5 second timer "tick lag" script. Divided it into smaller scripts, making smaller engine friendly scripts. Also, many thanks to Assassin moder for his Def_extend idea. Both these modifications has improved the over-all smoothness alot while enhancing weapon aiming with minimal interference from lag spikes.(complete)
√ New Item: Hot Chocolate - made like hot coffee at a fire, but uses combo chocolate + sheep milk, with a coffee mug. Will add warmth to body temperature too just like coffee, useful in winter season or reducing exhaustion. Also alleviates calcium or sweets cravings.(complete)
√ New Fireplace Models: When you add or take logs out of the firepit, the model changes showing how many logs are in the pit. You can now visually see logs without physically checking the pit. As the logs burn up, the model changes displaying how many logs are in the pit.(complete)
√ The fireplace charcoal production amounts is based on how many logs (1-4 fit) are in the pit. Charcoal will be produced via formula:(X # of logs + 1). So if you have 0 logs in, it produces 1 charcoal per check...if you have 3 logs in, it produces 4 charcoal per check. etc.(complete)
√ The Logging Sled, when attached to a horse, can now transport stones and pebbles, in addition to logs.(complete)
√ When dismounting from the horse the sled could stop a little to far behind the horse, fixed.(complete)
√ The horse wandering left and right on it's own when riding, was reduced, but you still have to maintain control when riding.(complete)
√ New Model: Charcoal, no longer uses the old bark model.(complete)
√ The distiller takes twice as long in all productions. The salt yield was randomized resulting in 5-15 per bottle of saltwater. This helps create more incentive to maximize distiller production with incentives designed within all other tasks.(balance)(complete)
√ Item descriptions when clicked in your inventory, edited with pertinent information, new stuff.(complete)
√ Final adjustments to forge/kiln burnable materials. Charcoal(3x) and coal dust(2x) burns up faster in the forge or kiln.(balance)(complete)
√ The Warrior Tribe members will report if "No hostiles are near!" then return to idle "stay" command...upon blowing the horn to defend.(complete)
√ Some new sound files for the horse, different type sheep, and forge/kiln fire.(complete)
∗ I did not realize I broke the fall damage script a while back...missed parentheses in a script. Fixed. Be more careful climbing off, and jumping off, rocks and trees or you will get hurt.(complete)
√ The Herbal Garden stops spawning Herbs bug fixed. Missed adding a variable needed in script.(complete)
√ All Chicken Coop feeds consumption adjusted lower for each tier. Tiers being 0-6 chickens slowest, 6-12 chickens medium, 13+ chickens fastest.(balance)(complete)
√ When cutting a steak from large red meat, you now get 2 fat from the trimmings, per steak. This sweetens the deal a little, as it was a bad deal when compared to 2 small meat, unless you use it for advanced sandwiches. Fat also being a food, or tinder, and produces oil, it can be vital early on, or when without a cotton source.(balance)(complete)
√ You can now combo cut more than 1 bone marrow at a time 1/5/10. (complete)
√ You can now combo cut more than 1 large fish fillet at a time 1/10, the same as large red meat.(complete)
√ Lanterns continuing to smoke after they burn out, fixed.(complete)
√ All units, trees, palms, bushes, and plants...have a corona effect when destroyed, like the tree has always had.(complete)
√ The new corona effects are size specific and color coded to red hostile units, green friendly units, yellow all inanimate objects.(complete)
√ All natural rocks will drop a small amount of unstacked stones, pebbles, or clay...when destroyed. Amount dependent on size and type.complete)
√ All wild bushes and wild plants will drop a small amount of unstacked leaves, branches, or starch...when destroyed. Amount dependent on size and type.(complete)
√ All trees when falling them, has the loot logs unstacked and spread out randomly. You can now visually see how many logs are dropped.(complete)
√ Bone Pile model was modified into more scattered bones increasing the radius. This helps in retrieving inaccessible bones below terrain or in a tree trunk, and some rocks.(complete)
√ Hostile fish behavior when hitting them was altered. They will flee and have random ai reactions. This will make standing on the shoreline and exploiting them to approach the shoreline while striking them less effective and less desirable.(complete)
√ The tall grasses yielding +1 Farming when cutting them down, reduced to a 1 in 3 chance per cut.(balance)(complete)
√ New Unit: Poison Spider. Green in color, a little larger than the regular spider. Hostile with 0 damage biting but can inflict poison.(complete)
√ The Redwood Tree beehive spawning hives increased from 6 days to 18 days.(balance)(complete)
∗ To build the BeeKeeper building now requires: Honeycomb and BeesWax, instead of a Beehive. This change is relevant to the populating of bees, and being able to move bees to a new BeeKeeper to expand your colony. Now you can produce honeycomb to build the next keeper instead of waiting to find a beehive, and having no place to keep captive your populating bees.(complete).
√ When destroying the beekeeper you get back some of the honeycomb and beeswax used in building it. Not a beehive.(complete)
√ When you find a beehive, the amount of bees that swarm was reduced and spread out 40 extra meters.(balance)(complete)
∗ You can now climb around and stand on boats without sinking through into the water. Re-scripted and added dummy object models that replace the unit models when you stop driving them, and visa-versa.(complete)
√ New Item: Flint Powder-will be used instead of cement powder when making bullets and buckshot. In older days was used to ignite gunpowder in firearms.(complete)
√ New Combo: Flint Powder=flint + hammer or flint + stone. Needed more uses for accumulating flint.(complete)
√ Diary edits with new combinations flint powder, bullets, buckshot. (complete)
√ New model: Shotgun Shell, buckshot. Replaces the bullet model for buckshot.(complete)
√ The bug when your rucksack is full and you are encumbered with weight, then get stuck, fixed.(complete)
√ You will need to park the horse much closer to the logging sled in order to attach it.(complete)
√ The horse had a bug where it accumulates an added "timer" every time you use it with the sled. This causes severe lag over a short time until you dismount from the horse. Fixed!(complete)
√ All items have been scripted to make sure they drop at your feet anytime your rucksack is to full to hold the said item.(complete)
edited 4×, last 28.12.19 02:44:00 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi Datvippq,
Thank you for the report and post. That lighting glitch is in the original source code and I am unable to fix it. Must have been an oversight when DC made Stranded 2.

Keep the slider at medium or high is all I can recommend to fix it. Thanks again for posting!

old Sprinting lag spike

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If i try to sprint using shift i get massive lag spikes, which make it impossible to use the sprinting at all. Generally the mod is quite laggy on my pc.

Ive tried to change the settings all to lowest, change the screen resolution and tried using different compatibility modes + window mode without success.
My PC is quite good, the GPU and CPU dont get affected at all and are on really low utilization.
But its still laggy as hell, do you know a solution for this?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

There is a known issue where you get an initial lag spike when you press shift to run, but it should only be 1 spike and then run smoothly.

I know if I have any programs running in the background the game can be laggy. Try going to your STARTUP settings and DISABLE all startup programs. They are not needed to run your computer anyways. Then restart your computer. (I recommend this anyways and will make your computer much faster)

I have also experienced Windows Updates while playing they also cause severe lag. Anything downloading content.

P.S. I did find a bug in the source code where a land unit can get stuck under water at the shoreline and cause severe lag. The only fix I came up with was: Sleeping past midnight and a script checks for these units and they are killed. "A unit has drowned in the sea!" message will appear.
edited 1×, last 14.01.20 08:42:22 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Thank you for your answer. It is really a great mod, im now in the middle of summer.
There is so much content, a big issue of Stranded II was the missing of stuff to do after a short while. Thanks for your work! It is so different from Stranded that i wonder why you didnt took an engine like Unity 3D and made a standalone game out of this!

The only problem i got right now is, every time i try to put my wheat corn into any container or drop it on the ground i get an memory access violoation error, and the game crashes with the "eating" sound, lol.. Its the only item which is affected by this.

I found out it has something to to with my tamed horse. Maybe the game thinks im trying to feed it and gets confused. The error doesnt show up if i kill the good horsey.
edited 1×, last 19.01.20 01:51:43 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Heya Lordloss, thanks for that report. I checked the scripts and see a mistake. I will have it fixed in a patch for bugs asap. For now you can remedy the issue by not having the horse close when you are dropping or store more than 1 grain, apple, or pear. (horse foods).

If you keep the horse 400 meters away from the area there should be no error...the error involves each horse food item when it is checking for the horse near to is suppose to delete 1 item but if you drop or store more than 1 at a time within 400 meters of the horse, that is what is causing the error. So, no need to kill your horse lol

Thank you again, will post a fix asap.

old Winter

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Thank you for dealing with bugs and all the work you do

I have a question about winter. The wooden house seems to do nothing, despite it emits red particles. I went to sleep with snowsuit and lit lantern and had a good body temperature, and woke up beeing hypothermic.
Also it seems coffee does nothing at all related to the BT
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