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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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I actually managed to survive to day 5 with your tips already!
Sugar is a real ass-saver here I even survived the wolf attack because I built near water
Free skins and some good food!

Also, pretty much all the plants I needed to survive literally spawned next to my camp after a few days - cotton, bamboo, starch. It's great. There is also a berry bush, so I'll be plating the berries down.

Getting my forge heated up soon, and gonna try to forge some iron tools, uh- Speaking of which. How do I plant things when I placed the stake down?
Do I need a hoe?

Tysm btw! Enjoying the mod so much!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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If a hoe is required you will get a message. Some larger plants and trees need the hoe to enable planting yes...but not smaller food crops, herbs, or medicine plants..

1. Assign the crop stake to hotkey 1
2. Assign the seed to hotkey 2
3. Scroll the mouse to the crop stake in hand and place it.
4. Scroll the mouse to the seed in hand and use it on the stake.

repeat 3 n 4.

if you made multiple stakes, just place all the stakes, then switch to the seed in hand and plant one at each stake.

Also, assigning tools and weapons to hotkeys helps...and scroll your mouse wheel to switch them in hand. Put the item in hand and hit a # key to assign it to that scroll position.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Speaking of health bars.

I well- I kinda managed to survive for almost 10 days now. But at the end of day 9... My blood level is dangerously low, and I accidently broke what I believe to be all of my heal herb plants, while trying to harvest them.

Do you recommend any way of raising my blood levels relatively quickly, that's sort of accessible early on?

I just hope it isn't related to the pirate... He was around on day 2, but I couldn't be bothered looking for him to trade since I was kinda busy... Y'know... Surviving.

Just as a side note, I got a relatively large supply of meat, and some eggs, if that could help.

Appreciate all the help.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Well, some food item do give small amounts of blood regen, like honey, and a few other very nutritious foods. The red bar will be on the icon in your inventory, if that item increases blood regen.

Blood increases naturally over time, but is very very slow. Not taking small damage will help it fill up quicker.

You can eat heal herbs for a smaller boost without penalize your OSR score. Only drinking heal potions giving a significantly larger boost negatively affects OSR.

The Herbal Garden is a huge milestone in the game. If ya build 2 of them asap, you will be growing heal herbs daily. Try to eat them, vs drinking heal potions if your wanting a better OSR score. Unlocked through farming and building farming equipment.

When you sleep...some things affect blood if there is a shelter, and/or bed near. Your low blood can be regen by sleeping longer and more often if you have those object near...but at the cost of losing valuable season "time". Winter is no joke. (see Diary Operations about objects)

Keep in mind, when sleeping, you wake up hungy and it requires more food and water to sleep a lot.

Just as important, by sleeping into the future, faster, other more difficult things are triggered in "Hostile Animal Events" increase in frequency...but on the flip side, at level ups, you gain in abilities like speed and carry capacity and potentially unlock advanced buildings early.

p.s. The more advanced the object you sleep near, the more blood it regen. example; a primitive bed vs a hammock. A bed can also speed up healing wounds and fractures, "use" it when injured...also "tiered" like other objects.
edited 3×, last 23.10.20 03:30:07 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Whoa, I think the OSR score penalty for drinking a potion or antidote is rather harsh for someone trying to survive, while also planning on getting a decent score at the end of their run - But quite frankly, I do not care about the score, I am here just to have fun!

I also just wish that the god damn bloody pirate wasn't spawning in a rock

Anyways, which level of farming do I even need for the herbal garden, and will it grow herbs at random? Or do I need to somehow seed it...

Edit: Ayy, the Pirate is a cool dood. He sold me some weed cheap, I rolled him up a few dozens of joints, and he paid me back for rollin' em up for him. He's legit.

Also: Got the herb gardens. Awww yeah.
edited 1×, last 25.10.20 10:55:46 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hi, I started a new game, but I finished quite fast (shame, i found closed alcove with 4 sheep near it...) but while mining stone, i got stuck. Probably got overburdened, because it said that I cannot move few times.
Problem is that even if I throw everything out, sleep, add rucksack, run, jump, i still cant move.
Not sure if the overweight got looted during lag spike, so it bugged out as permanent?
Once I managed to move about 2m because i pressed sprint and he unstuck while lagging, but after lag ended, I was still stuck on new place and it couldn't be done again.

Any solution to this? I don't have any save of this island yet as I was at day 10 or so, and sleeping while stuck rewritten the autosave slot

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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@user Haraldstranded: He did warn you it is a hard-mode mod. Just... Play safe, play smart, and don't aim too high in the first few days. Simply focus on surviving, and getting the basic tools and structures down.

Also, don't sleep for the first three days, find a young bamboo and gather the sugar from it to keep yourself awake. That's probably the biggest tip I had received, it allows you to have so much time at night to do stuff, without waking up hungry and thirsty.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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It is not in need of an update to fix your need to read the text each step you take, and do what the text says.

1) I have a fever! "I need fever reducer!" Get rid of the fever first by eating lemon grass as many times as needed until it says ...FEVER CURED!!!

fever reduced! "I need more lemon grass!"
fever reduced! "I need more lemon grass!"
fever cured! "My wound is still infected!"

2) My wound is infected, I need antibiotics!...get rid of the infection by eating goldenseal roots as many times as needed until it says ...INFECTION CURED!!!

infection reduce! "I need more antibiotics!"
infection reduced! "I need more antibiotics!"
infection cured!

3) Infection cured!...healing resumed! It will take several game hours for your wound to heal. It will say ...SPEED RESTORED! when your injury is completely healed.

wound is healing! ...speed reduced!
wound is healing! ...speed reduced!
wound is healed! ...speed restored!

If it is hot outside or your body temp is rising.. get wet in the ocean, or drink liquids, or pour a bottle of water on yourself n get wet, or get in the ocean and cool off...and DON'T STAND NEAR A FIRE and DON'T RUN!

Pay attention to your text:
a) When you cure the fever, it can return if you still have infection.
b) When you cure the infection, it can return while your would is still healing.

"Using" a bed can speed up healing, only if you have cured both fever and infection.
edited 8×, last 14.11.20 11:13:57 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Golden herb only cures infection, it does not cure a wound or fracture.

Only time can cure the wound or fracture. . .unless you "use" a bed. A bed speeds up the time of curing.

A wound heals AFTER BANDAGING in 6-8 game hours.
A fracture heals AFTER SPLINTING in about 10-12 game hours.

In the DIARY under CRAFTING tab you will find the combinations for Bandages and Splints via First Aid Crafting.. Under OPERATIONS tab you can read more about BEDS and the other systems.

Sorry I did not understand your situation. I thought you had a fever and/or infection on top of a wound/fracture.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hi again,

I went through few weeks ingame and here are some stuff I picked up (I downloaded version from first page, so if anythig was updated in some patches that are not included there, then pls ignore it):

When trying to eat Whey, new empty bowl is created without destroying the whey, can be repeated indefinitelly for free bowls

Fish sub is overrated. Compared to the other high-end stuff, one piece of small fish and a bread is almost nothing compared to for example cheese and steak...

Fish habitat spawns fish inside itself? Fish spawn an can be fished out, but most of the times I tried (8 out of 9) no fish swim in the water around

Planted trees don't drop logs, I think it is intentional, but if this is a 'reward' for skill increase, it should drop at least some (with longer grow time )

There is still too much of stones, even if I built 4 kilns and 2 wells, I still had full storage of them, any chance of some small stonewall? Sheeps would look lovely behind them

Grill capacity increases too far in the skill tree...I had soup before I could grill 6 pcs of meat

Mushrooms are quite confusing, could they be updated to go for all recipes and not just one kind? (for example mushroomsoup with 6brown/2big/6normal shrooms) Also mushroompatch as new kind of garden?

Chicken are not effective. Eggs are not laid daily and there is not enough chicks to get anything from it

Hemp has too low yield, one plant for one cord.... only use is for the trading...

Pirate prices are way too low for low-end stuff. I bought all types of fruits and full inventory of grain just for few necklaces, if you have some and find a pirate, then you have almost no need in exploring the island since he can give you most of the stuff you can find there

Forging knife blades doesn't add skill point

Stand/watchtower is available even before the hunting skill is reached (if this can be unlocked by any other skill, for example lumbering, then ignore this)

While lags, animals attack you even if you have a highground (stone or stand)

Eagles are too weak. I think it should survive at least one hit

Drywall/pallisade/closed pallisade gate have broken texture and they look weird

Processing wheat gives 0,5 skillpoints while processing corn gives 1 skillpoint, while corn has no cooking recipe, could some be added? nachos/tacos? anything else (idk, we don't use it in here ) or just flour milling?

Forge/kiln can go days with some fat inside. Shouldn't the stuff used for lighting it up burn rather quick? Not sure how to work out the torches then though...

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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all it takes for good start is luck.

You want to find a location that has folloing:
1) there are no dangers nearby, it is not that hard to find on large island place where you cannot see any lion/claw monkeys/tribals
2)there is iron deposit with close stone deposit (for forge)
3)close to the water

if you manage to find this, you are halfway there, because fishing is awesome way of food supply, you can level up quite easily by creating fish hooks from branches up to the point where you build fish habitat or two, then you get enough fish to feed you every day

as mentioned before, sugar from baby bamboos are great for start as you can mine or fish at night easily
small tree sumps with vines drops a lot of vines and bark. vines have a lot of water in it so you dont need to look for drinking supply and the bark is good for burning into the coal that is used for forge as fuel
finding at least one female sheep helps a lot as the source of wool and drinks, if you manage to herd her into your base with a vine, you almost dont have to move outside again
anything that is mined can be found with a shovel in time, so you can provide all the resources from that

exceptions are:
1) feathers (you dont need them much early if you dont hunt, they are used for some clothes that you need in winter, so in 90 days....)
2) wool (you need a lot of wool/cords so even with a sheep, you sometimes have to wait a bit to have enough for stuff you want...) so if you find a cotton plant, take what you can
3) leather (this one is a problem with the safe gameplay, best was for me to get some was to build walls around my camp and then wait for events with skinned animals it is a little of exploit but you can kill deer if it is stucked in a wall, also carnivores like bear if you are lucky enough to kill them before they lag-skip through the wall: if you cut them, they eventually bleed out, even if the event ends)
4) seeds (trade pirate...all you need is save tooth and claws and make few necklaces, later maybe some golden rings, then if you find and trade, you can get all you want)
5) cravings (but when they come, there is a way most of the time)

I also suggest building a raft or some other boat, no animal attacks you there and you can ride along the shore and if it is safe, then go ashore and collect anything that is close, also you can search for trade pirate like this without running through the jungle

so as long as you never fight anything that is not stuck somewhere, then you should have no problem surviving

why I always write so long messages?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hi guys, it's good to be back! A lot has changed since I was here in 2016 or so but my new computer unzips the game so I can play again! (I'm previously on this thread as thunder346, but I'm known as LadySurvivor everywhere now so I changed it here as well. That and I have no access to my former email I registered here with so I couldn't recover my password anyway.)

One thing that I'm having trouble with is the knapsack kits. I made a pouch out of 2 kits and have been using that. I just made another knapsack kit and it says I can destroy that pouch to recover those kits and use them with the new kit I made to make the knapsack. Trouble is how do you destroy it? I tried combining knapsack and knife, and knapsack and hammer. I tried putting the knapsack down and hitting it with that hammer. I tried exchanging the knapsack out by throwing everything on the ground and hitting it with the knife.

I tried searching this thread and I just can't find the answer. So what am I missing?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi lady....yes, drop the sack on the ground and hit it until it is will get the kits back used in making it.

Would be best to empty it out first as all the loot will disperse on the ground and you might lose stuff under the map....if you empty it you can make sure you dont lose any items...or do it where the ground is flat.

thanks for checking out the mod, hope ya have fun!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Hi, thank you, I finally got it. I just wasn't wailing at it long enough.

Now a couple more questions if I may.

1. I'm assuming the distiller has been modified a bit or maybe my game is glitchy. I don't recall having such trouble getting fresh water before. I put 4 logs in the distiller every single day and I'm barely getting any fresh water. The logs burn all day until the game tells me a campfire has run out and when I go to check, I have 0 - 2 bottles of water. I live on a small island so 1 to 2 trees a day is not only time consuming but also I'm deforesting my island very quickly.

2. This is my first time playing with the chicken coop and I figured out how to feed them finally but but it takes a ridiculous amount of food. I've been scouring my island every couple of days to get 12 flower seeds because if I give them grain, it's gone almost immediately. Flower seeds have to be searched, mixed and given every other day. I see I can give them mixed grain and fertilized corn but I didn't get enough corn from 1 stalk to mix them (I have 6 not 12) and my skill isn't high enough to plant more. So most of my game day is searching for ways to feed my 2 chickens after I've spent the morning cutting down another tree for the distiller fire. I barely have time to do anything else and I still haven't gotten any darn eggs! lol

3. Piranhas! I'm on easy mode and I was able to swim out to crates and such at first but now I can't swim at all because of the piranhas. It's summer and I can't even go in the water to cool down. Are they a summer thing? Or does it have to do with the fish habitats I put down? The habitats are destroyed but I don't dare try again to retrieve the debris. Thanks to 2 other piranha attacks early summer, I've eaten every golden seal and lemongrass (and in the right order lol) I got chewed up good today trying to swim to another island I've swim to many times before the piranhas showed up and I got nothing to treat my fever and infection with. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna die tomorrow. Sigh.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hi again lady.

1) The distiller is more about producing salt, as fresh water is just the by-product. It also boils fresh water without bottle breakage in a very short time. It does take a long time to separate all the salt out of a bottle of water.

Water can be bottled from buckets and troughs left out in the rain. Also from fountains on easy mode and underground springs once you reach steel forging. Lastly...bottling water from crushed leaves or crushed vines can be worth it.

Check in the DIARY under OPERATIONS for more details.

2) Capturing a chicken is a decision your making to early I think. Wait and let them roam until you can "grow feed" and harvest an abundance of foods to make feed. Then capture the chickens and start utilizing them.

Check in the DIARY under CRAFTING for CHICKEN FEEDS. The more advanced the longer they last.

3) Use a fishing rod w/bait & hook and catch the piranhas first...then go after the debris. Or use a ranged weapon like a bow or blowgun... and shoot them from the shore....or step in the water and draw them near and cut them with a knife, causing them to bleed out.

Yes, habitats spawn piranhas too...easy mode...oops!
edited 2×, last 23.01.21 02:12:13 am
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