1. Open your router's admin console by typing its standard IP address into your web browser's URL box. For most routers, this will be either In most cases, it can be also However, if you want to figure out the IP, here's how to do it:
Step1: Click start
Step2: Select the program: run (In windows vista/7, click start, go to the search bar, then enter run, then select the program listed on the search bar.
Step3: On the open bar, type in: cmd
Click here if you're stuck
Step4: In command prompt, type in: ipconfig (for lunix & mac, type in: ifconfig
Click here if you're stuck
(I had covered my ip adress, and other things because you can easily hack people if you know their ips)
Step 5: Look at the section where it says "Default Gateway"
Click here if you're stuck
2. Now open up internet explorer, or another browser you have, enter your router's standard ip adress into your browsers URL box. It could be OR, it can be
Step1: When you finally load up the page, you will see a box that says username and password. Enter your username and password. If you've already configured the security settings for your router, enter the username and password you chose then. If not, here's what to do
On Linksys routers, type "admin" for both the username and the password.
On Netgear routers, type "admin" for the username and "password" for the password.
On other routers, try leaving the username empty and entering "admin" for the password.
Step3: Open the Port Forwarding or Applications and Gaming tab. Every router will be different, but look for these two options. If you don't see them, try Advanced Settings and look for a Port Forwarding subsection
Step4: Select the ports that you want to use. If you only want one port open, enter the same number in Start and End. If you wish to open a range of ports (say 5), you might type 3784 in Start and 3788 in End.
Step5: Enter your IP address. Your router might ask for the whole address, or only the last three digits. If you don't know it, go back to the program: command prompt and enter
ipconfig (windows xp/7/vista)
ifconfig (For Mac or Linux)
3. Save the settings that you had choosed. You might have to restart your router for the settings to take affect.
And thats all you have to do to portfoward on a router. If you're having trouble, PM me or comment me in this thread. If it works, I hope you have a nice time hosting cs2d servers!