Hello! Bobakrome here.
So I've been thinking that US would have a great "bump" if they would have their games on Steam.
I searched before I posted this and, it seems that CS2D would be a "pain in the ass" to add to Steam because of the sounds.. What about making some new ones? Or renewing with Simon's (smnn's) pack, I think that would be pretty good.
But, in my opinion Stranded III should be added to Steam, 'cause it's going to be a good game, and I have a feeling that people would like it and so Unreal Software gets promoted more.
Well, I'll wait your votes. Admin/mod comment
Doesn't belong into the CS2D section as its not just about CS2D. Moved. /DC DC Admin
And having all of the games on Steam is no valid option in your opinion?
I would like it if CS2D/CC/SIII will appear in Steam. I'd rather not see any Unreal Software games on greenlight, since on that place there are idiots everywhere.
They'd just be downvoted into oblivion and DC wouldn't ever be able to get them greenlit.
Stranded II would be a bad minecraft clone in their eyes, and Cc a worse Worms. Cs2d is an illigal copy of the creator of steam itself that wouldnt be accepted... however stranded 2 will no doubt be a good steam game... this will greatly increase popularity of Stranded 3
I think if you add the dates people cant claim stranded is a minecraft clone.... I actually think Stranded 2 & 3 would be accepted into steam... look at Dont starve- a success and hardly any one says its a clone.
Stranded 2 should definetly be attempted on steam greenlight...
Perhaps if it gathers votes, big names like the Yogscast may view Stranded like they did Dont Starve, Starforge, and Starmade for example
DC I think you should at least attempt S2 on Greenlight @
Your brain is illegal. I would chose Stranded III anyway.
Occasus has written
I would chose Stranded III anyway.
Yeah, me too. Since it's going to be something new and something cool
Don't forget that Greenlighting has a fee, which is 100$. So if DC is going to do that, he has to be 100% sure that his games will be accepted. Plus, For CS2D, some people will say that he stole stuff from the original Counter-Strike, which will be annoying and hard to deal with. @
EndDead: A fee? I never noticed that
Boy that would make a hard time for free games. DC Admin
I don't think that any of my released games has a real chance on Greenlight and therefore I'm not going the spend any money on it.
Maybe I'll consider to try it with Stranded III but it's too early to think about this. I didnt Realise Green-light had a fee, SIII then.
And CS2D is Illegal, stolen name, as in it's copyrighted, you may be sued by attempting to green-light CS2D
So CS2D is out of the question, Carnage Contest is an original name, and has breached no noticeable copy writes, it may have un-original game play, but it isn't illegal.
Stranded is completely unique in name, and game play, several years later however, Minecraft either stole, or had a very simular idea... and many people will think its stolen unless the date is included... Stranded III on steam, that means more kids!
Moar kids! nom nom nom nooom Wether you like winey brats or not... you need to realise that this will be good publicity
Jawohl has written
Wether you like winey brats or not... you need to realise that this will be good publicity
Good publicity on Steam.. for a free game? wether you realise it or not, UN does have advertisement... the more people that download, and generally see advert on this site will produce revenue... and as there are loads of mods and a few games, and infrequent updates, downloads will be quite regular.
and besides that when or if DC finally decides to sell games, he'll have a following of steam users, and UN users which would then obviously, give profit.
Jawohl has written
wether you realise it or not, UN does have advertisement... the more people that download, and generally see advert on this site will produce revenue... and as there are loads of mods and a few games, and infrequent updates, downloads will be quite regular.
and besides that when or if DC finally decides to sell games, he'll have a following of steam users, and UN users which would then obviously, give profit.
Dude. Steam Greenlight is to put your game on Steam - not to make a hotlink to your own site, so you can gain income from ads.
And the money gained from advertisements is tiny. Also, adblocker.
Alistaire has written
Dude. Steam Greenlight is to put your game on Steam - not to make a hotlink to your own site, so you can gain income from ads.
And the money gained from advertisements is tiny. Also, adblocker.
I believe DC can earn more than 5$/day from ads, Google AdSense make it easy for such active sites. edited 1×, last 19.08.13 11:04:54 pm
DC Admin
Please stay on topic. This thread is not about earning money or ads but about Steam Greenlight.