When one arguement ends,another is ready to start.
@ Black Wolf: Why don't you stop making excuses? You're just ruining the chance to get back your "User" Mode.
@ J192: Are you new to unrealsoftware.de? If you are, a lot of kids will be expected to do something wrong or stupid. On my six years here, I have been trolled (since i was 12 back then ) because i do, you know, stupid things but i got used to it. If you continue your behavior, a lot of kids will "crucify" you.
@ Captione: You should really stop replying to everything J192 says. It's pretty annoying to see you two get in each others face all the time for no reason at all.
I don't care if you don't agree with me. Just think about it. No need to reply.
No seriously, stop this war.. here we speak about moderators specially if they were bad or not the important just dont tell us your life story.. We don't care about that, mod or not.. idc, the important just stop that gagor, or idk this war... omg, no srs.. stop dat now..
@ Black Wolf: You realize that you're ruining the chance to get the user mode back, don't you?
You just have to deal with it, arguing many times about this it won't help you in any way, trust me.
@ Infinite Rain: People like you, calling others children when doesnt even know hes age.
This depend rather in your behavior than the age. Even a person with 18 years old or even more can be an immature (few people are like that). Now you got it?
Let's going back to the topic: Sometimes I see Leiche a bit inactive but he's a good moderator too.
@ XingGove: With this behavior DC will never make you a moderator. And what do you mean in 'BAN you in facebook'? If you think you are a facebook developer then just look at your English first. (Even if you understand what I have just said)
Ambitious kids.. Trying to be a mod even if they know that this comes with serious consequences.
@ XingGove: Read SteelKat's Comments. That may change your mind.
Stop responding to XingGove's nonsense, it doesn't help because he never listens to anything. It's pointless.
@ Captione: I'm pretty sure that we aren't allowed to talk about SteelKat anymore as he is no longer a moderator. Also, you won't learn anything from someone who thinks his feelings matter.
why people want to be moderator so much i dont get it nothing special about it.
Simply because those kids want to get moderator powers to ruin this forum and abusing their powers. Being a moderator is not like you're lord or something and sadly some kids think like that, is just a work to moderate the forum to keep clean against trolls and such and also to help the users how exactly this forum works (if they don't understand or they have a doubt).
Being a moderator is only for those who are prudent (use the mod powers fairly) and having a mature behavior.