USGN died?
USGN died?
5 replies Oh, shit! USGN very bad to boot!I can't get privileges on the server. They are assigned to USGN-id.It's annoying!I think that someone will fix this situation as soon as possible! AAAA!
I said about that I sometimes "explode"? Yeah, it again now.
Sorry if i post in wrong section.
The post carries with it the idea that the of someone came to fix it! @
kerkerI: i think ddos attack again like 08.29(a little bit interesting) Me too i couldnt log in this morning, by the way you put this in project section, someone move to US section. There is no point creating a new thread every single time the website is down. It's just some silly kid thinking he's cool, no one should care, eventually he will go outside.