The easter egg in main menu doesn't work :] The crosshair should be scaled using nearest-neighbor. 3D renderer: de_vantage in the editor, right click any of the dynwalls (e.g. 5|3) using tileset tool and select "rotate: up". It will bug and render that tile as if it was an outer, high wall. Tree leaves are in some occasions rendered beneath walls (depends on player position). The recoil decline function/rate seems wrong to me. I can elaborate on that.
@ VADemon: Easter egg is disabled due to many different resolutions available. Might be solved in the future. Crosshair is scaled according the probably of bullets from that certain distance. So if you put crosshair far away, it gets bigger, closer - gets smaller. Thickness/Color/Boardersize can be customized (not in options yet) Recoil needs more discussion, it can make every weapon feel way more different. Tree leafs are rendered because they are at same height of walls in some cases.
Thanks for the update guys, great to see these changes. I suggest you create another thread for bug reports, there`s quite a few of them. For me, 3D weapon models aren`t rendered properly:
Thanks for the update guys, great to see these changes. I suggest you create another thread for bug reports, there`s quite a few of them. For me, 3D weapon models aren`t rendered properly:
The text looks very small. Since the game is 640x480 and it's not changed, the game looks like a long stick.. already we can't see much that lay on top and bottom side of screen, and it's even more worst.. also these borders ..
I hope you would like to add height parametr in the entities to make them look like normal, also entities:
Note that this feature is in a very early development stage and still has a lot of problems. Many maps will look pretty wrong with it
@ Mora: Smaller text is an advantage because you see more of the game. Think about it that way
If you dislike the text/HUD size you can simply run the game in a lower resolution.
When i use 800x600 it looks identical.
But really, in which way? The game already have smaller view in top and bottom, and now this difference even increased.. What for? it really looks bad. Rather to make it really balanced..
@ Mora:
Try playing with it. It does not break the balance at all. Having larger horizontal field of view doesn't mean you have advantage against others. I might implement 4:3 as server-sided option for old-competitive gameplay though.
Also hud radar is now scaled in higher resolutions, so it's not that small. This might be implemented for hud icons as well.
Since hud is scaled, it does looks blurry, not good. Like a images in old cs2d-buy menu.(for now still).
W/e, for my monitor it doesn't look good. I played with bots for 1 hour on that map which on images. used constructions etc. It very uncomfortable.
You said that it would be possible to 4:3, love to hear that.
Also note that if you add this render3d as server-sided it would be somehow bad.. why?
You can hide behind wall with nice height and have this OFF. Another guy who have it ON won't be able to see you. So he attack you being prepared. Anyway i don't think that in competitive would find such persons. w/e.