CS2D General How to use Voice chat?How to use Voice chat?
5 replies 1
When I auto updated the game, there was no voice chat enabled in the game. Only after the fresh installed client.
Edit: @ Vehk: You can't find it in the controls when you autoupdate your game
2nd Edit: It's possible as you can see in the picture below. It's just disabled on most servers by default.
Admin/mod comment
*OpenAL drivers* / SQYou can manually add them to sys/controls.lst
"voicesay"			"$909" "voicesayteam"			"$910"
Afterwards when you start the game you can assign keys to these options in your controls menu.
Of course you could also bind them in the console or a custom config with bind but that's less convenient.
Moreover the server must have voice chat enabled and you must have OpenAL drivers. OpenAL drivers are already present on many systems because quite a lot games are using them but of course not on all.