Spoiler Before these steps you need to check the following:
a) That you have running 32bit Linux OS on your VPS not 64bit
b) When you uploaded CS2D folder to FileZilla that you delete all .bat and .exe extensions files
c) That you have a linux CS2D launch file and linux cs2d_dedicated file which you can download from CS2D.com where you download linux .zip CS2D client (where you will find 1 CS2D linux launch file you should upload) and linux .zip CS2D dedicated server (where you will find 1 cs2d_dedicated file you should upload)
d) Installed FileZilla
e) Installed PuttY
1. You log in with your username and password of your VPS server in PuttY. If your username is "root" you do the following steps, if not then ignore this and go straight to number 2
- You create new account when you log in with your "root" username by typing in the code "apt-get install sudo" (without "")
- Then type in "sudo adduser NAME" (where you instead of "NAME" write down whatever username you want for your new account, also without "")
- Now it will ask you to input a password and some info, so do that, info does not have to be correct (real name, phone, ect.) or you can leave it blank
- Then type in "sudo usermod -aG sudo NAME" (NAME - your new username account, also without "")
- Now quit PuttY and launch it again then login with your new created username ("NAME") and new password
- Now that you have a new username account you need to upload your CS2D folder there, you again login to FileZila with your default "root" account and then you go to "home" folder then "NAME" folder (your new account name) and place CS2D folder there
2. Now that you are logged in with PuttY all you do is type the code "nohup /home/NAME/CS2D/cs2d_dedicated & tail -f nohup.out" (without "")
explanation of the code:
- the code /home/NAME/CS2D/cs2d_dedicated is a path in your FileZila where you uploaded the cs2d_dedicated launch server
- NAME is the name of your account that is not "root"
- & tail -f nohup.out makes your server run 24/7
3. Done. Your server is up and running.
Additional Information you should know
- "nohup /home/NAME/CS2D/cs2d_dedicated & tail -f nohup.out" is the launch code for your server so each time your server is not running you type in this code
- "ps aux" code displays all processes running on your VPS account
- if you see 2 same processes called /home/NAME/CS2D.... when you type in "ps aux" (you can see it on the right side of the screen) then you need to kill 1 of those because you are running 2 same servers
- to kill process you type in "kill ID" (where ID is the 4-5 digit number you see on the left side of /home/NAME/CS2D... process
- to update your server with new files you just upload it to FileZilla where your CS2D folder is then login to PuttY with your "NAME" account not your "root" and kill server process (/home/NAME/CS2D....), then just type in "nohup /home/NAME/CS2D/cs2d_dedicated & tail -f nohup.out" press enter and your server is updated and running again
"NAME" is the name of your account which is not "root" idk what it is called, you know that, which is located in your "home" folder in FileZilla, just don't input literally the word NAME