CS2D Servers Server isn't on listServer isn't on list
5 replies 1
This is the most well known issue and it is covered very well by the FAQ and hundreds of forum posts. In 99% of all cases it's caused by bad router/firewall settings. I know it's annoying but we can't magically remote-configure that for you.
Please read:
Did you try all of this already without skipping any point? If you think you did, you probably made a mistake. Most likely in the router / firewall configuration. If you're unsure about port forwarding for instance you should search for the manual of your router and read the related section.
Admin/mod comment
§4.5 - Stick to the point! No off-topic posts!mp_mapvoteratio 0 (disable map voting)
mp_winlimit 0 (disable map change when a team won X rounds)
mp_timelimit 0 (disable map change after a certain time on map)
mp_roundlimit 0 (disable map change after a certain round number has been reached)
You can also limit the available maps (which CS2D is allowed to load on your server automatically or by voting) by editing sys/mapcycle.cfg