My CS2D Crash when i joining server dont know why but it says "EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO" and i dont know what does that means cause im not understand about it. i downloaded many mods and GFX files also MAP files and also i joined other server like STALKER and after i join STALKER my game crash what happened
This is something for DC to fix. The best you can do is try to find out when it happens. Is it a certain map? Images? Mods? Does it happen with a new install? If not, does it happen if you add old resources to the new install (overwriting)
Do you still have your CS2D folder? Could you please zip it and upload it somewhere or mail it to me if it isn't too large?
Make sure to delete "sys/usgn_upw" before you do so (otherwise you would share your USGN password).
Probably re-installing should help like SQ already suggested.