Firstly, I'd like to say that I'm not looking to turn this into an aggressive argument or a fight. After all, it's just the internet. I'm writing everything I'm writing now because the truth must be said no matter what.
So I really hope no one gets angry with me for mentioning things that some might see as racist or conspiracy theories. I'm not racist nor a conspiracy theorist; I'm just a Muslim. Nothing I'm saying is about personal matters or pure hatred. It's all about revealing the truth and establishing proof.
ModJuicer has written
Atheism is the belief that there is no God. It is a philosophical standpoint where people believe God doesn't exist. Technically all newborns are Atheist but they also don't know anything at all so take with that what you will.
Whenever the kid becomes able to think on his own, he will instantly be a believer. You might not notice it because they go to schools where atheistic ideas are put in their heads
Atheism didn't just come out of nowhere. The Jews designed it. They needed a weapon to use against other civilizations. It was a coward but a smart tactic. So the claim that atheism is natural behavior is not true. Yes, sometimes you might have doubts about God's existence, but you won't ever become atheist without a solid ground to stand on. That's where the Jews and their puppets started creating atheistic theories in name of science to handle this problem.
ModJuicer has written
Science is predominantly based on following the scientific method. It is a process. The scientific method involves making observations, forming hypotheses, conducting experiments, collecting data, analyzing results, and forming conclusions based on evidence.
Correct. Science is based on observation, experimentation, and recording data. However, this isn't the case with the Globe Earth, Atoms, Cells, etc. These are all philosophical ideas that were put forward by Freemasons (aka Jews) to counter Christianity. Later, they started supporting these ideas with math and whatever else they could in the name of science.
ModJuicer has written
On your next point, reason 2 and 3 can be attributed to the lack of God, but only by saying that God created Capitalism as a punishment for our lack of belief in him, which... you can go ahead and believe what you want. Primarily the issue is Capitalism regardless.
It's funny because I don't know what 'Capitalism' even means. I'm not really into these terms that Europeans/Americans often use to describe the world. But buddy, I'm telling you, if it's not God's way, then you're already lost.
ModJuicer has written
Reason 1 seems to imply that humanity is not furthered by scientific progress, which has been scientifically disproven (i.e. using the above stated processes and procedures). However, circular references aside, I don't see much reason for us to throw away things that people dedicated much of their time and effort to figure out.
I can give you quotes from their mouths admitting that the Globe Earth theory (for example) is an atheistic theory and against God. In fact, I remember doing that last time, so there is no need. I might also have some quotes about Cell theory and Atom theory where philosophers and so-called 'scientists' admit that they're atheistic theories too. I don't know actually; I need to search my archive.
ModJuicer has written
Reason 4 is based on the premise that God exists to begin with, which can neither be scientifically proven or disproven. It really just depends on the person whether it is held true, which is the same for a lot of things, like opinions, but whether those can be unanimously declared as true is speculative.
Yeah, God exists, unfortunately for atheists, and because He does, I will fight to the death defending Him, and defending Him requires me to get rid of the idea that God can only be found inside religious buildings from people's minds.
God is not an idea, not an opinion, and not a philosophical Jewish theory. God is simply God, nothing more. Get rid of the stupid bullshit in your mind that prevents you from thinking about God in the right way. Remove those schoolish, acadimish, univertish terms from your mind.
ModJuicer has written
However, I am stuck on a question here. If God exists why aren't people born from the very beginning to believe in God? Why do they have to be enculturated into this belief, and told over and over that he exists by everyone they know, in order to believe it? In places where this doesn't happen people don't believe in God. Why is that? Just some thoughts for you to consider.
You may not like the answer, but I will answer you anyway because this is the truth and there's nothing to be ashamed or scared of telling.
God does what He wants. He can punish, take lives, and cause pain, and no one can hold Him accountable. But God has forbidden injustice to Himself. So He is a merciful God.
He clearly described that he created you to worship him. Why does he need us to worship him? It's just how it is; no further answers for this part. And as a reward for this, he will grant you heaven. Why does he do all this? What's it all for? As I said, it's just how it is, and it's actually a fair deal. Being a good, believing person your whole life and then entering heaven sounds really good.
But, as easy as this sounds, it's actually not. We can see many people disbelieving in God. There's nothing to worry about for me personally, because I'm not joining the losing team. Much respect, but fuck off y'all. I won't risk anything to hear or believe in some stupid Freemason Jewish bastard telling me that life is created from cells and atoms, and the earth is a globe, and that's why we don't need God. Just fuck off please.
As for your question about 'why do we need someone to tell us always that God exists?', that's because humans can lose their way, so I don't know why this would be annoying to you. It's actually really wonderful having good people who keep reminding you of God.
ModJuicer has written
Would love to believe eternal life is in store, for sure, and I get the draw, and why it is an attractive belief, but I am cautious on this myself, and have had to make sure to consider other possibilities as well.
It's really sad seeing you deal with such stuff using jokes and 'possibilities'. There are no possibilities, buddy. They lied to you, and you believed their lie. Simple as that.
Judaism and Christianity are religions of God; they were just different legislations/guidelines for different ancient times. We are now in a time when Islam is present. Follow Islam, and you'll be rewarded with heaven; disbelieve in Islam, and hell awaits.
Some might find this hard to believe, especially nowadays when many atheists mock religion and make people not listen to religious people, but it's true. Ask any honest specialist in this matter, and he will tell you the same thing I'm telling you right now. Anyone who believes in this never gets back to where they were, because it's the truth. Once you realize it, you can't deny it afterward. I was once like you; I believed in all this stuff, then realized it's false and moved on.
So my advice to you is to get these lies out of your mind. Remember that God loves you. It's enough that he hasn't taken your life yet and has given you all this time to get up and stand on your feet again.
I hope I didn't say anything rude in my text that might make you dislike me. I want to remind everyone that English isn't my first language, so sometimes I can't express myself well. I might use words that some people find offensive or inappropriate, and I apologize if that's the case.
ModJuicer: This is my simple message for people who've lost their way like you. Take care, and remember to always use your brain and heart.
edited 1×, last 21.08.23 07:24:49 am