Clan Name: CriticaL GaminG
Clan Tag: CriticaL '
Clan Leader: Matz/Coffee
Total Members: 16(with recruits)
Clan Website:
Other Information: We're searching for loyal players with good communication in ts3.
Place of Origin: Venezuela/International
Clan Name: Brothers of Warfare
Clan Tag: [BoW]
Clan Leader: BlooD
Total Members: 9
Clan Website:
Other Information: We are finding players with experience and actives, need to have xfire and be active on forums.
Place of Origin: USA
Other Information: Active Clan ready to competitive scene and we looking for skillfull players (or aleast new talents go want grow in cs2d scene) in eu/pt squads so if you have this things apply and go help our team.
By the way we are a professional team.
Clan Name: Lethal Clan Leader: Matz & TopNotch (me) Total Members: 13 Clan Website: here Other Information: Competitive clan searching for loyal and active members. Place of Origin: Europe
Clan Name: EverAway
Clan Leader: WhiteCourt (me)
Total Members: 3
Clan Website:
Other Information: Competitive clan searching for loyal and active members...
Place of Origin: Chile, Argentina And More...
Clan Name:-[Flame]-
Clan Leader:Inferno
Total Members:15
Other Information: A hardworking and organized clan.
Place of Origin: India
Clan Name: Skynet Brazil Clan Leader: Skynet Brazil ~ Gustavo LDR. Just me in the moment, but i'm still looking for two more leaders. The first two that come to the clan will be leaders. Clan Abbreviation: |S|N|B| Total Members: 2 Recruiting or not: Yes Clan Website: Not yet created! Other Information: We are recruiting members, I went back to play CS2D a week. I've had a clan called Black Hawk. I owned Clan Black Hawk, know how to take care of my clan, the new, just lost my old clan for lack of time for the game, the more I'm back after two years, and now my clan is called SKYNET BRAZIL ! Place of Origin: BRAZIL (BRASIL)
Clan Name: Juice
Clan Tag: Jc ' Juice
Clan Leader: Locke
Total Members: 6
Clan Website:
Other Information: Share moments, share Juice
Place of Origin: Germany, International
Clan Name : Clash
Clan Abreviation : CA
Clan Tag : CA |
Clan Leader : CS2D Boss and Decato
Website : "Website have been removed" If you are pressing at my signture it's not completed link
Place of origin : Morroco , Mohammedia
Informations : You are interesed at my clan , You can join our at any moment . we accept you at any time , just send our a message at our skype (starkkz_10)
then You can discover "Clash (CA) " You wanna getting the idea , about where we find the clanname , Easily , with the game "Clash of Clans" You can be member now of CA clan
by sending a message at my skype (starkkz_10) we are the Starkkz's and Clashers
and CA & SA (Starkkz's)
Members : SkydoesMinecraft , CS2D Boss , Decato , Gaillman,GommeHD,EnderCrypt,MY
Clan Name: StarFighters (sF)
Clan Leader: Vakuum
Total Members: 6
Clan Website:
Other Information: We are search good players and play 4fun Clan Since 2012
Place of Origin: -
Clan Name: g l o r y
Clan Leader: g l o r y | Hole, g l o r y | Hole.Jr
Total Members: 7
Clan Website:
Other Information: holes.
Place of Origin: In Teh Glory Hole
Clan Name:A buddy clan of dudes
Clan Leader:dinoman and me
Total members: had 60+ but in 2013 but got destroyed and now is new and has only 2-5 members
clan website:
other information : was a great great and famous clan in 2013 but got destroyed and now has started again and needs many members
------------Range Rover---------------
Clan name : Range Rover
Clan tag : RR //
Leaders/Owners : Karthik(RR)
Hosters : Jepo
Website :
Total members : 42
More info's : I become the hoster , I'm friend of I become the moderator of the server
Servers: RR//Dust , RR//Fun
Clan name : Hotchills
Clan tag : HC //
Leaders/Administrators : Happy Camper , Turkey,Electron,Destroyerita
Website :
Total members : Unknown
More info's : This is being hosted. and protected by a amazing moderators.I'm a junior mod.
Servers: HC//Fun
------------Non Archer------------
Clan name : Non Archers
Clan Tag : [NA]
Leaders : Dartex,Jepo
Hosters : Jepo
Website :
Total Members : 2
More info's : This community have a total of 4 / 5 servers!
Servers : NA | .....C-4...... , NA | RPG Space Mod
NA | Happy Town , NA | De_dust
Clan Name:A buddy clan of dudes
Clan Tag : ABCD
Clan Leader:Dinoman(Ajmin) , G-One , Jepo
Total members: 60+
Stats : Offline/Destroyed
Clan website:
Other information : This clan is the great clan , This had a total of 61+ members! We lost the clan and we re-started a new clan [SaZ]
Clan name : SaZ
Clan Tag : [SaZ]
Leader : Dinoman (replaced Dice) , Jepo
Hosters : Jepo (second sv) , Dice (first sv)
Total members : Unknown
Clan website: No have.
Other information: This clan has re-started it's life by replacing Dice by an awesome friend "Ajmin" . Ajmin become leader. and I become the hoster
Clan website: No have.
Other information: This clan has re-started it's life by replacing Dice by an awesome friend "Ajmin" . Ajmin become leader. and I become the hoster
More clans
clan website :
who told you?
me still in clan, still host, still leader, and not replaced, but merged
Clan Name:TeamRazor
Clan Leader:KyzZ
Total Members:5
Clan Website:
Other Information:This Clan New And WE NEED PLAYER TO JOIN THIS CLAN
Recruting : ON
Server Clan : TeamRazor l CS2D
Server IP connect :
Status : CLSOED
Clan Name: Kazuki |
Clan Leader:Gummy , Vincent
Total Members:2
Clan Website:
Other Information:Only member asean/american
Recruting : ON