Stranded bug that i can't fix :(
Stranded bug that i can't fix :(
7 replies I think i found a bug, when i change settings like draw distance, it has'nt any effect in the game. also, when it's night, i can hear the night sounds, but it's just brought daylight :S DC Admin
thats pretty strange because all the stuff works on my pc and no one else ever reported a bug like this.
did you unpack the archive before you started to play? maybe you have to update directX/graphics card drivers too or your system does not meet the requirements of the game Yes, i unpacked the game and i have the latest update of my graphic card. i think i also have the latest version of directX but i'm not sure.
i'll check that out then.
anyway, thanks for your help i had this problem too
You've got to restart the game after changing the draw distance.
It doesn't tell you to, but it only works after restarting. Thanks flying Lizard, that worked
i tried to fix my other problem again (the problem that it's daylight when it's 0:00 o' clock): i tried to play in every resolution, i tried to change the color depth, but nothing worked...
is'nt there a patch for this maybe? Did you notice that Stranded 1 is in gold version?
That means it's final stage of game and there will be no patches.
So, my answer:
if you have the latest version of game - no, there's no patch fixing it. DC Admin
and did you notice that this thread is older than one year? nobody needs your comment here anymore. it's just too long ago.