Both, the recipe book, and the anvil, are a wip. The only thing that you can really see ingame and is 100% working are achievements. From now on, achievements are just a matter of scripting in more, the concept and implementation is complete.
Hahahah, oops. Wrong rar uploaded people, that was the same as before. Sorry.
The proper upload:
-Builder edited 1×, last 16.07.08 08:45:45 am
mmm I installed the lastest version of MM (that was just uploaded) and I'm playing that mm_mountain... I tried making a knife by combining stone + branch and nothin happens... can someone help me? eh?? nevermind, it seems to work by combining a branch and a cord... is that such supposed to happen? Admin/mod comment
PLEASE use the edit function next time! /DC Ok, just wondering, I thought I was doing somthing wrong...
anyway, great update! I was wondering why I was getting clam meat from the shells.
...Apparently I messed up with the knifes combination. Oops. It can be made with branch + vine, branch + cord, or branch + ironbar.
Anyway. Aeso and I are looking for someone who knows how to model to join the team. It would be highly useful.
-Builder Im pretty good at modeling, just tell me what you need ... but i dont have all the day to model, because im working on my own mod
Holy crap I just posted that and got a response, after making two other posts on two other forums, waiting a week, and not getting any post whatsoever.
Uh, we've got like a rather large list of stuff needed models. For starters, a bazillion of the new items need little models. Like the steak. Bacon. Ect.
If you are still interested, pm me and I'll get back to you tomorrow (its 3 am, so, later today actually) with a list. If you make ANY of the models I will worship you.
-Builder We are a nice community here, and you ca get answers ANYTIME, because it a international forum ....
Builder, sorry for this dumb question, but
Using the spade, makes the land Lower! (and gives Dirt).
Using the Dirt (to make the land "Higher") results in ..
"You need a spade to do this."
NUTS! I already have the spade, (hence the Dirt!)
Now Garfield751 (in an earlier post) asked the Same Question .. (which, apparently, was never answered) ..
So .. HOW do you "make the land" Higher??
ANYONE?? Hold the spade? Use the dirt? That should work.
-Builder Builder2-0 has written
Hold the spade? Use the dirt? That should work.
Thank you .. I will Try!
i just wanted to post a pic of my base i built on the mm_mountion map also i finally found the iron deposits after exploring around the rocks.
i was wondering though after i got a achevement a diary entry showed up and gave me the instructions for black powder but how do i get a keg for the black powder? garfield751 has written
i just wanted to post a pic of my base i built on the mm_mountion map also i finally found the iron deposits after exploring around the rocks.
i was wondering though after i got a achevement a diary entry showed up and gave me the instructions for black powder but how do i get a keg for the black powder?
You killed a lion with your bare hands? Hot damn. Also, still a WIP.
-Builder Builder2-0 has written
You killed a lion with your bare hands? Hot damn. Also, still a WIP.
killing a lion with you bare hands isint as hard as it sounds all you have to do is to shoot it a few times then finish it off by punching it.
also i modified your mm_mountion map alittle and i just wanted to share it wih you guys. the Credits to people is in the readme that comes with the modified map.
oh and a
to ya if you can find the iron. edited 1×, last 18.07.08 05:36:28 am
SHIT. Did I still upload the wrong map again... (I say that because I highly doubt you changed 90% of the work I did for the final version of the map). Give me a couple minutes while I check out the download.
*whew* I did upload the right map, however Garfield, I am sad to say that when you created your modified map you used the outdated version of the map (the one that I uploaded twice before I realized my error and fixed the upload with the correct map). It's an interesting map idea to be sure, but you should probably recreate it using the *newest* version of the map.
Take the map out of this version of MM:
-Builder i said alittle not almost completely
Edit: aww man.... oh well i guess i can redo it *head+desk*
Edit2: it seems your link is invalid "" edited 1×, last 18.07.08 06:07:55 am
hey man i found something wierd, i killed a shark and the meat on it was cooked! it has the raw big meat texture but it says cooked shark meat. screw up something? oh when i ate i didn't get sick. Garfield,
Where is the iron, and clay on you map? I found one iron deposit, hit it a few times, got nothing. and it depleted.
Thank you for all your hard work. Its a great mod.
You have a great talent. Thank you for many hours of enjoyment.
Nikki bloodsheder has written
hey man i found something wierd, i killed a shark and the meat on it was cooked! it has the raw big meat texture but it says cooked shark meat. screw up something? oh when i ate i didn't get sick.
Yes, thank you for reporting the bug. Also, food poisoning is a random 1/5 chance, but I'll check the shark meat and see if it's got the chance.