


Base Data

id-ID 14782
Registration 21.05.10 05:36 am
Language English English
Country - not set -


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Files by GunShoot (10)

File Com. R Like Dls
old English Skins/Sprites XM1014 By GunShoot49Approved 480
old English Skins/Sprites P90 Mc with Sound File10Approved 614
old English Skins/Sprites M1887 Shotguns Made By GunShoot31Approved 559
old English Skins/Sprites MiniX for Knife and machete3Approved 388
old English Skins/Sprites Black Desert eagle With Laser Sight!8Approved 462
old English Skins/Sprites New Model Flag7Declined 337
old English Maps cs_facility_GS13Approved 426
old English Skins/Sprites PortalGunPack !13Approved 422
old English Skins/Sprites Armor Pack By GunShoot11Approved 387
old English Skins/Sprites Blue Eotech Pointer By GUnShoot8Approved 417

Total 153 4,492
Ø per file 15.30 449.20


Days registeredyes 5,236 (14 years)
Latest Visit yes 4 Years ago (01.04.20 12:34 pm)
Latest Post yes 14 Years ago (16.06.10 02:02 pm)
Latest online Game yes 5 Years ago (19.03.20 01:58 am)

Forum Posts post 1 (Ø 0.00 per day)
- Replies post 1 (100.00%)
- Threadspost 0 (0.00%)

File Comments comment 93 (Ø 0.02 per day)
- liked files like 41 (Ø 0.01 per day, 44.09%)

Uploads file 10 (Ø 0.00 per day)
- Like like 75
- Ø average per file like 7.50

Messages message 70 (Ø 0.01 per day)
- In-Box: message 36 (Ø 0.01 per day)
- Sent: message 34 (Ø 0.01 per day)