Nice you have improved with shaping the classic style stock Now if only you could fix the stocks shape on your M1 Carbine set to match this quality Id say it would be perfect.
I like it, but the stock has a really weird shape and you must change the shading in it, here's a photo of an m3 super 90, try to fix the stock's shape and shading and it will be awesome
@ CY:
Meh, they get a tad monotonous after a while anyway. ( Plus once you have gone through the umpteenth referred paper and found it to be a load of shit, you are glad to have something else to do else you throw a nut and start breaking things... )
I was forced to stop reading my papers on cryptanalysis* just to download and play a bit with this skin. You have true talent -- like RamboFox said, your gold actually looks gold -- and could definitely have a career in this, I am sure of it.