Hi beauty guys? So I came here to post this spray Marijuana famous "Marijuana", it took me a few days to do because I could not have much experience at this point,'re finally there, not very nice, but each has its own taste right? hehehe hugs guys by LeFoz'm from Brazil, then repair themselves, to using Google translator to write this! kkkkkkkk Thanks
@P_206 : Hello friend, everything is quiet, My brother's account (17359) was blocked due to a comment that made joking, I said that I have a second account that in the case is my brother's and therefore blocked her
Galley earned there by evaluating my logo , I'm happy for the opinions given by friends below , I hope you enjoy , I use today this logo as my main . earned hug guys
who want to play with me add my other account USGN : 17359
Disgusts creates my facial expression when I see an expression of creation criticising other expressions of creation for completing a circle of existence of a different expression of creation, it this case, a plant. I like the logo, I like the logo.
@ mlkzikado:
1. Use the quote system properly ("@user:ID")
2. No problem?
4. Learn English (So you can understand what I wrote)
3. Commented too late (02.12.12 , 26.12.12)
7. Where is 5?
6. I gave my opinion already
9001: I'm wasting my time writing this
External link was broken. I removed it. Do not add external links. You can upload your file to the file archive directly (that's what you actually did already)