Carnage Contest
Is Carnage Contest dead?
Is Carnage Contest dead?
10 replies Is Carnage Contest dead?
No one plays it. Well, its been 8 months that CC was released, and... Well, I don't see much servers. I play it. I am making weapons for it now. DC Admin
it is not dead but it is still alpha and has not been promoted in any way. I still play it. Just not online. I play solo haha Same here.
Nem User
I am playing it with my friends some times, but its seldom.
Anyway, it cannot be dead, game just alpha
Yeahs.. I tried going online, but most of the games were full. So yeahs that is why i play solo.
Carnage Contest is a game to play with friends, and just to play when you and your friends really want to. I always ask friends if they want to play and then play with them and noone else. So it's not dead, it's just a completely different way of playing online than CS2D e.g. Dont forget stranded 2