Carnage Contest
quick question about weapons
quick question about weapons
4 replies when i download a weapon and extract the files it dosent show up in game what should i do? I don't play CC much but I think you have to go to the lounge and go to Weapons and select different dirs and stuff DC Admin
yeah, you have to add the weapons to your weaponset.
put the lua files into the scripts folder or into a subfolder of this folder.
start CC
click host
click weapons
select a slot on the right were you want your weapon to be
select the script file from the list at the left
repeat this for all weapons and click okay afterwards
done. I don't know where to ask this question, but i guess here would be fine:
How do you change the primary weapon to be something else? DC Admin
the primary weapon is always the very first weapon in your weaponset. you can't change the position of the primary weapon in your set.
so you can either remove the primary weapon by rightclicking its slot (the next weapon in your set will become primary weapon automatically)
or you can select the slot by leftclicking it and select a new one from your weaponset (note that you can add each weapon only one time. you have to remove the weapon you want to use if it already is in the set)