Admin/mod comment
Who cares, whole thread and it's content is a spam. Have a nice day. /Blazz I bet you can't beat me
bring it on my brother.! You two are such morons you have to speak on a forum even though you are family members.
Well, that or Freeman's Schizo. hehe. i still beat my brother. So therefore you beat yourself. Just gfy kid, forums aren't here to settle family-fueds. Freeman - and his brother? oO Stop creating fake accounts and learn English, instead.
Doctor Freeman, I hate you. Refresh has written
Doctor Freeman, I hate you.
DannyDeth has written
You two are such morons
It should be like...
DannyDeth has written
You are moron
Because it's surely the one person. I'm tired of these kids who say 'that's my brother/I'm his brother', I can't understand why they need to create another account. By the way...
Refresh has written
Doctor Freeman, I hate you.