waiting charactersKaraizTR User Offline 05.12.14 06:36:43 pm ı want waiting npcs . what its script (NOTE: I'm from Turkey)
Re: waiting characterskch User Offline 05.12.14 07:08:47 pm Dont know what you mean? you want some NPC's in your map or you want some information ( URL ) of the PCS projekt?
Re: waiting charactersHurri04 Super User Offline 05.12.14 11:16:34 pm write this into the npc's script-box: 123on:load { 	ai_stay currentid(), 1; }
Re: waiting charactersKaraizTR User Offline 06.12.14 12:00:45 pm Thanks this is work and how I can make an quest , dialog etc.
Re: waiting charactersHurri04 Super User Offline 06.12.14 12:43:34 pm that same question came up only a few days ago: Diary entries & npc talk read Klirkz's post, it's easier for beginners than the solution I linked.