our saudian king decided to kill the arabic revolutions because he is scared for his chair :
He putted the rules and we must respect it :
Dont let womans go outside because they dont have right for nothing . Torture slaves and workers and take their pass port for they dont go back to their countrys.
Please support Saudia Waste plans and please keep our king in chair and ignore human right like us
@ sonkii: thankseyuhezyuuhzdyuuhzd,yyuhzdq,yjugfvYGflghfLGFGFYYGZFUYGZFYGZFGZUGFUKGZFZGFJZGXFUZGFKUZGDKGZ76FGZXqzdqzdiaefhudegyjdehu,edyuhedhujz , we are saudians we made always pointless things :Dfuhéifhéçdh oihdli gydozflu&gkudvoudh&LIGDKu&fmhdliGADHadohUYDGliuhdde
@ sonkii: You saying him that he should stop bullshiting at here but also you should stop that too because whenever you did shut up then he will understand that nobody gives fuck about him and he will shut up. So then, everbody will be happy.
Trashing spam and stupid threads like real men do. Perhaps you might want to read the rules of the forum instead of posting such a thread like this.
P.S: You actually remind me of someone as you seem to use a proxy to hide yourself. Don't worry, I won't let you here anyways with your malicious activities. Your account is permanently banned.