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English Stolen Map

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old Stolen Map

User Off Offline

Hi, so, I'm reporting a problem we got here, apparently, a map that's supposed to be a "single server" map has been stolen to another server, the owner of the original map (MeoW) has been aknowledged of this problem, and wants it removed from the other server.

I don't know if you guys can even help me, but if you do, read further.

The map is originally called "zm_deathlagoon", the server that stole it tried to hide it by naming it "de_dust2(CTF)".

This map, like all others from !Apocalypse!, aren't allowed to be played on other servers UNLESS a member from the staff team is testing it.

old Re: Stolen Map

Admin Off Offline

It's hardly possible to enforce that kind of usage policy.

Everyone joining the server with the map can download the map and can later host a server with the same map as well. That's how it works and you should feel honored if someone else likes the map and decides to use it.

The only thing you can try to do about that is trying to contact the owner/admin of the server which is using the map and asking politely to stop using the map.

People here can't really help you with that - except they are the server owners/admins or know who to contact.

old Re: Stolen Map

Moderator Off Offline

If you are talking about Warzone - Capture the Flag:
de_dust2(CTF) map is remake (added flags only) from original de_dust2 that was made by SMN and me.

You have no right on claiming that it's yours.

old Re: Stolen Map

User Off Offline

user SQ has written
If you are talking about Warzone - Capture the Flag:
de_dust2(CTF) map is remake (added flags only) from original de_dust2 that was made by SMN and me.

You have no right on claiming that it's yours.

please read posts before replying, that name is just to hide that he is using his map.

old Re: Stolen Map

Moderator Off Offline

@user Waldin: I did read, there was only that version of the map in serverlist. Maybe he mixed up names, nor he provided the name of the server.

old Re: Stolen Map

Reviewer Off Offline

Don't worry, I just called police police now and they already started legal actions for you. No thanks

old Re: Stolen Map

User Off Offline

user SQ has written
@user Waldin: I did read, there was only that version of the map in serverlist. Maybe he mixed up names, nor he provided the name of the server.

Read it again, and see the spoiler (1st img = stolen map, 2nd one is original), I'm not saying you stole any map, it's just that the map the server had was called de_dust2(CTF) yet it was map from MeoW (not even mine), also yes, its from Warzone

old Re: Stolen Map

User Off Offline

@user henrii: That's ... weird. I've never seen that map and I'm the owner of WARZONE server. Also, my VPS has only 4 maps stored in maps folder (ctf_royal,ctf_castle,de_dust2(CTF),ctf_cs2dfortress_edit)

Here's an image:

And, honestly, I wouldn't use a map that was made for zombies gamemode to use in a construction/ctf server.
Also, what resolution are you using ?

EDIT : @user Merlungo: Trying my best
edited 1×, last 13.04.18 11:25:52 pm

old Re: Stolen Map

User Off Offline

user henrii you are making a false accusation that he stole the map, it must be some download problem that you have in your CS2D so check everything before making an accusation.

and the map de_dust2(CTF) does not compare to your zombie map, it has nothing similar

PD: user Casper- you have a very good server

old Re: Stolen Map

User Off Offline

I dont really know what is really happening, but it wasn't only to me that this happened to, it also did to the owner of the map and another staff member, so it's, weird.

old Re: Stolen Map

User Off Offline

@user Merlungo: Yet after several years people still copy ninja life, Iran town, C4 RP and Minecraft maps everyday and even host their server with them.


old Re: Stolen Map

User Off Offline

user xsiN i hosted servers with different lua/scripts but I'm never copying anyone and also not changing the name of the maps, i only open them because people like to play on such a server with such a map & script >:8)

old Re: Stolen Map

User Off Offline

But there is something weird going on. Few days ago, I wanted to play on C4 server, it had zombie mode and a bunker map. There was a 1 ct vs all zombies. But this 1 CT had super armor and a laser. Idk if he obtained that by rcon or admin gave him. Or maybe he himself was admin and was fooling around. But everyone wanted to kick him. I just came on to the server and we had enough of votes. But then the server rotated the map to rpg tibia map, gamemode TDM, no lua scripts. But what makes me really wonder is how did that guy get the super armor and the laser? Also, such things ruin gameplay for others. When the game gets halted like that. Same with on my server when 1 team holds the flag, but they dont capture it so the other team gets spawnkilled and half the server leaves. To stick to the point, servers are weird.
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