Arabic Translate
Arabic Translate
3 replies Hi everyone, it's me komasio again
Today i wanna tell you that i started a project in which i wanna translate CS2D to the Arabic language, currently we need a LOT of help from experts in translate (I've already contacted @
DC: and he allow us to do that so yeah
What we need now to start? We actually need an Arabic font which will works on CS2D without any errors, because when i tried to use some fonts and try to translate, it appears some words like (%#@%*&) means that there's an error
Can we get an Arabic font which you guys have tested it and it works fine on CS2D? i will be thankful a lot for the help, thanks for reading!
Xirot: Hi Xirot!
i've completly forget about that post ngl
Well, i cannot translate the game to the Arabic
because the game dosen't support (right-to-left) which is the direction of those languages like Arabic, Hebrew or Persian...
Using a custom font didn't work, but i will try to translate it to the Moroccan (which we use on Internet using like Engish alphabet) i can do word like for example (quit we can switch it for something like '5roj' or 'khoroj') but idk if it's going to be good or not, anyways i'm going to give it a try, and thanks for your participating
It will be just harder it needs more work on the fonts.
GL bro