Stranded II
6 replies hi guys
I`ve been playing stranded II for a while, but I`ve got one problem, i can`t solve
how do you plant crop??
all I can do i change it into flour select it in your inventory, then press the button with the hand, leave the inventory, target the ground and press [E] thanks
but it should be easier to discover...
....and another thing.
is there any place, where you can easy way find firestone?? nope.
combine a branch on some bark near a fireplace instead. ok
another question
how can I cook meat?? go near a fireplace, open inventory, select meat, press [E] or the "Use"-Button.
Could you accumulate your questions a bit more before you post next? I've just created a sticky thread for such questions - equivalently to one in the German forum.
Here it is. Please use it for further questions of that kind.